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N.Y. TU Women’s Fly Fishing Seminars

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1 N.Y. TU Women’s Fly Fishing Seminars
Lindsay Agness, TU Tug Hill Black River - Ch 589

2 Introduction….

3 Agenda What’s happening in NY? Key’s to Success
The Salmon River Women’s Fly Fishing seminar - Background Key’s to Success How did we do it? A peak at behind the scenes…. Getting started Marketing Pre-Planning (Registration, Welcome letter, Recruiting volunteers) Donations The “Weekend Event” (Lecture, Tying, Casting & On the Water Time) Follow-up & on-going support Q&A

4 TU Women’s Fly Fishing Seminars - Background
Started the first TU Women’s Seminar in 2006, on the Salmon River. Each seminar is 2 days, with 4 hours of classroom time, including lecture, fly tying & casting practice and 8 hours of on the water fly fishing . Since 2006, we have hosted 11 fly fishing seminars, invested a total of 44 classroom hours & a conducted 88 hours of “On the Water” time. Fast forward……7 years later …we have educated over 187 women on fly fishing using both classroom lecture & on the water fishing education.  That’s 187 new women on the streams in NY!  The program is run with 100% volunteer staff & minimal budget. In 2012, requests from other TU chapters in NYS (Lake Champlain & Iroquois chapter) In 2012, we had 100 women sign up for our Fly fishing seminar which only accommodated 20 ladies. In 2013, successfully held 3 TU women's seminars in NYS (Tug Hill _Black River, Lake Champlain, & Iroquois) , and our waiting list is now at 18 women for 2014.

5 Keys to Success Give the girls the basics… equipment, fly tying, casting, safety, reading water, what to wear! Have immediate success that weekend… pick a situation so that they can catch a fish! Have a fun & relaxed environment Keep the cost reasonable, it’s not just a sport of the “rich and famous”…. Give them the confidence, education & support to continue Women want Women peers & teachers until they reach a certain level of confidence.

6 Getting started – Pick a place & date
Where to Host? Local Hatchery County Park Pavilion County Fair grounds Hunting/Fishing Lodge What to charge? We charge $50 per student, and included a free TU membership Costs were $25 per person. Depends on your cost situation

7 Marketing the Seminar Publicize on the local County & Town websites (5 months in advance) Syracuse Outdoor news (Blogs) Oswego County website & Local Chamber of Commerce NYS Outdoor news (NYS hunting & fishing newspaper) NYS WIN (Women in Nature) Local fly shops bulletin boards DEC Becoming an OutdoorWomen’s initiatives TU sites, Twitter & Facebook pages Project Healing Waters Connection & Communications (Fort Drum) Local DEC Hatchery communication Local Universities (Cornell University Bio Dept)

8 Registration Form & keeping the List
Start out with no more than 12 women, and Increase as your team gets more experience. - We currently teach 20 women at a time.

9 Getting the Ladies Ready… “Welcome Letter”
Follow-up with “Welcome Letter” with those registered via . Remind them of the Date, Time , Location & Directions

10 Getting the Ladies Ready… “Welcome Letter”
Remind them what they need to bring….. TU provides the rods, reels, vises, fly tying materials, flies and have on hand some extra waders if needed.

11 Getting the Ladies Ready… “Welcome Letter”
Remind them of the Agenda for the day The women are on their own in the evening, however at the Iroquois event this year we had a dinner.

12 Getting the Ladies Ready… “Welcome Letter”
Recommendations for Lodging & food….

13 Get your TU Board & Chapter involved…
Pre- planning Coordinate registration & registration desk Need help in getting & coordinating donations Help in ordering & coordination of food Help solicit volunteers The weekend of the seminar You’ll need rods & reels, lines & leaders Vises, lights, materials & Flies Need helpers with Lecture ,Tying & Casting Need River guides for both days Help that day with setup, registration desk, food, clean up, donations, tear down.

14 Lining up Volunteers! This year I had 22 volunteers for 20 women
It’s a 1:1 ration of volunteers to participants. If you teach 12 women you will need at least 12 volunteers. Invite others to help out outside of TU

15 Seminar Agenda – Day 1 8:00 am - 8:15am Registration, light breakfast, Introductions 8:15 am- 9:15am Lecture On Fly Fishing – Part 1 9:15am – 9:30am Break 9:30am – 10:15am Break Out Session : Group 1 (Fly Tying) Group 2 (Casting) 10:15am – 11:00am Break Out Session : Group 1 (Casting) Group 2 (Fly Tying) 11:00am-11:15am Break 11:15am- Noon Lecture on Fly Fishing – Part 2 Noon- 12:30pm Questions & Answers, and Raffle Giveaways! 12:30pm- 1:00pm Lunch, Review afternoon Fishing activities Assign River Guides 1:00pm-4:00pm Head to the River for “Fly Fishing”

16 Seminar Agenda – Day 2 8:00 am - 8:30am Gather at the Hatchery. We will have a light breakfast, share key learning's, and review any questions on flies, gear, equipment, casting, knots. Review morning Fly Fishing activities Confirm River Guide Assignments 8:30am-Noon Head to the River for “Fly Fishing” Day 2

17 Agenda- Basic Instruction Classroom style lecture!
Lecture Session I Introductions The Pleasures of Fly Fishing Getting Started The Gear What to Wear Lines, Leaders & Knots Casting The Fish & What they like to Eat

18 Agenda- Basic Instruction Classroom style lecture!
Lecture Session II Learning your Knots Locating Fish Safety and Fishing Presentation On the Water Etiquette

19 Group Breakout Sessions- Hands on time!
Group 1: Fly Casting instruction (45 min) Casting: Leaders - Vicky Lane, Jan Opal ,Pat Watson, Erin Oristian, Becky Griswold Attendants - David Agness, Kipp Tivnan, John Wickman, Fred Kuepper, Mark Licata Group 2: Fly Tying instruction (45 min) Tying: Leaders – Lindsay Agness & Jimmy Kelso. Attendants - Dave Kohr, Bob Rock, Fran Verdoliva, Lisa Green, Paul Miller

20 Fly Casting instruction

21 Fly Tying Instruction

22 Donations & Raffle Upon arrival the registration table provides each women a free raffle ticket that is used for the raffling off the donations. Donations from: Local fly shops, guides & lodges TU Members LL Bean TU offers PHW I Love NY fishing maps & Local County Tourism

23 On the Water Instruction

24 After the Seminar – Follow-up
Immediately after the seminar weekend follow-up congratulating the women! Thanks to all your volunteers!

25 On-Going Support by TU Encourage & invite the women to your monthly TU meetings. They received “free TU membership” through the seminar Use list to automatically sign up for TU membership Continue to communicate & engage the women I’ve held “Reels & Heels” Fly Tying party for the women to socialize Jan Opal is holding a “Tips & Tricks” session 30 min prior to the monthly TU meetings for the Women to meeting. Vicky Lane has scheduled local fly shop visits with the ladies. Meet up for fishing with other TU women members….. Continue to invite the ladies to TU events & Picnics

26 Questions?

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