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Age of Jackson U.S. president 2x 1829-1837.

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1 Age of Jackson U.S. president 2x

2 Common man’s President
Hero of the war of 1812 “spoils system” – gave govt. jobs to people who helped their political party win an election 1883-Pendleton Act- created competitive exams to hire govt. workers Govt. workers could not be forced to give $$ to political parties

3 President Andrew Jackson 1767 –1845

4 Growing sectionalism States rights v. Federal Supremacy
Southern states/western territories HATED the protective tariff & the National Bank of the US. WHY?? John C Calhoun-argued states could declare a federal law “null and void” = unconstitutional 2nd Bank of the United Sates = National Bank 1832 Jackson vetoes a bill to recharter the Bank-Jackson saw the Bank as helping NORTHERN business

5 President Jackson & Native Americans
1832 Indian Removal Act Worcester v. Georgia Cherokee were forced to march west to Oklahoma “the Trail of Tears”

6 War of 1812 Their Back---Britain arming Indians
British attack Washington, DC. Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled banner British burn white House = Dolly Madsion US Gen. Andrew Jackson – 1814 hero of New Orleans Treaty of Ghent 1814-ends war

7 Why war of 1812 Britain wants lands south of Canada supply guns to native American tribes hoping to destabilize the young America. Britain continues their Impressment of American sailors Result of War-US wins, strengthens US nationalism & independence, pushes Britain back into Canada out of the Ohio river valley

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