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Global Change Science: How can we get more

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1 Global Change Science: How can we get more
Latin American scientists doing it at home? Esteban Jobbágy & Gervasio Piñeiro GEA, Universidad Nacional de San Luis & CONICET IFEVA, Universidad de Buenos Aires & CONICET Argentina CRN 2031 – Land Use Change in the Plata Basin: Trends, Drivers & Impacts 5 year project – , 18 CoPI, Ar-Br-Py-Uy-US

2 Among LA countries, Argentina has the largest % of scientist working
abroad 12500 in the US vs at home CEPAL 2005, NSF 2001 [Scientists] per capita (ppm) Argentina 715 Brazil 315 Mexico 217 China 633 France 2982 US 5085 Cetto & Vessuri – Unesco 2005 The problem: Shortage of resources…

3 $ per scientist, % GNP

4 HYP: More fundamental aspects constrain (Global Change)
Science growth in LA. They may stem from long term poor funding but today generate barriers in itself, (they cannot be removed just by increasing funding) 3 Cultural Barriers 3 Local Opportunities CRN Plata Basin 3 Cultural Barriers 3 Local Opportunities CRN Plata Basin

5 Barrier Stagnant Academic Communities LOCATION - e.g. at U.N.S.L ~95% Professors graduated there within colleges, departments, and even teams difficulties for foreign researchers / professors…? DISCIPLINE - Global Change Issues fit within Biology / Earth Science / Social Science / Ag&Forestry NSF cross-cutting lines, missing in most LA programs Scientific Unions & Journals show similar trend Most universities too DEMOGRAPHY - Aging academic population, lack of merit based openings Ag Sciences in ARG INTA (=USDA): 50% > 55 y/o National Univs: 20% >55y/o, 62% y/o

6 Barrier “Inferiority” Complex Doing science of international relevance and excellence is not an option at home Motivated people that want to do it, look for it abroad But… Local academic communities perceive their skills, connections and credentials as “superior” and therefore risky resistance mechanism operate

7 Barrier Science-Society Isolation Do societies acknowledge the value of Global Change Science? Are scientist good at creating a demand? Do we try to couple Excellence and Relevance?

8 3 Cultural Barriers 3 Local Opportunities CRN Plata 3 Cultural Barriers 3 Local Opportunities CRN Plata Basin

9 Opportunities Complementary Perspective Every day life experience, besides the science that we read, influences the questions that we ask, and the paths that we chose to address them (diversity of perspectives) Complementary “labs” Key situations for better global understanding CLIMATE: Meso-scale convective systems ECOSYSTEMS: Low N deposition temperate environments SOCIETY-LAND: Ag expansion over natural vegetation Highly (cost) efficient research Active research teams in LA developed skills to manage science under low and highly fluctuating resources

10 3 Cultural Barriers 3 Local Opportunities CRN Plata Basin 3 Cultural Barriers 3 Local Opportunities CRN Plata Basin

11 Regional PhDs … Itinerant post-docs Focusing on grad
students is not enough Ugliest barriers show up later Itinerant post-docs Network + 5-yr time frame should warrant a successful careers at home

12 disperse (but abundant) capacities
S-S collaboration disperse (but abundant) capacities mapping and linking

13 LechuSA (Land Ecosystem Change Utility for South America) provides tools for the identification and understanding of functional changes in the ecosystems of South America during the last 25 years and offers an environment for the exchange and collaboration among scientists who study them in different regions and from different perspectives


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