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Presentation on theme: "KNIGHTS TRACK &FIELD 2017 TRACK SEASON"— Presentation transcript:

Head Boys/Girls Coach Jeff Wibben Assistant Coach Rachel Cline Assistant Coach Tracy Erlandson KNIGHTS TRACK &FIELD

2 Team Motto for 2017 Back On Track

3 Coaches Mr. Jeff Wibben 28 years track coaching experience
Kenyon Head Coach and Assistant Coach B/G Kasson-Mantorville HS Assistant and Head Coach B/G Stewartville HS Assistant Girls Coach High School: track 400m-3200m,distance relays, high jump and cross-country College: track and steeple chase, cross country Distance runner - 5k’s to half marathons

4 Coaches Mrs. Rachel Cline From Le Sueur, MN
Assistant Coach, Sprints, Sprint Relays , and hurdles!! Ran varsity track– 100 m hurdles, 300 m hurdles, random sprints and relays 8th year

5 Coaches Ms. Tracy Erlandson
Assistant Coach, 7-8 Coach , distance and LJ/TJ !! Ran 200,400, 4x400, Triple Jump in HS 6th year

6 Athlete Expectations Coaches Practice and Meet Expectations
2017 Track Handbook

7 Athlete Handouts School Records Varsity Lettering S.H.E. Principal
Commandants for Success Meet Snack Survival List P.M.A I do have Favorites 13 Ways to be more Coachable Are you Coachable

8 Program Goals 2017 Track Handbook How to reach Goals

9 Communication Policy 2017 Track Handbook Talk to a coach right away!

10 Participation Varsity- see handbook
limited to 3 per event at some meets 7/8 JV - see handbook usually no limit at meets

11 Absence Policy 2017 Handbook Taken from KW Student handbook

1. Maintain a positive attitude throughout the season, help coach younger athletes 2. Have a maximum of 1 unexcused absence from practice 3. Do your best at all practices, lead by example, always striving to get better 4. Run all of your events at all meets be willing to pick up something if needed 5. Stay and cheer on your teammates during the meet, don't sit in the tent Coaches will be monitoring the above requirements during the season If all of the above are met then you can letter in the following ways 1. Score 25 or more points during the season 2. Become a HVL conference athlete at the conference meet (need 12 points to do this) 3. Place 5th or higher at the Sub-Section meet, 3rd or higher at the Section meet 4. Be out for track for 4 or more consecutive seasons

13 Extra Handout page 13 Ways to be more Coachable I Do Have Favorites

14 Meet Information Check KW Webpage
Coach Cline has a face book page she posts meet information on.

15 During the Day Eat 3-5 meals a day do not skip any, you need to keep your calories up for practice Have a snack between end of school and practice, snack 15mns after practice ends Drink plenty of liquids not a lot of POP Milk esp. chocolate, Lemonade, Sport drinks? Water, Water, Water Get plenty of sleep 7-9 hrs per night more 2 nights before a meet Stay on top of schoolwork/Grades

16 Practice Good running shoes less than 1 year old
Track spikes, throwing shoes depending upon your events and days - listen for coach announcements T-shirt, shorts, sweatshirts/sweatpants, hat, mittens gloves depending upon day Good Attitude !!!!! Be willing to go harder than asked Finish practice - talk to a coach before you leave Practice time 3:25 to 5-5:25 depending on day of week and events that you are doing/working on 3:25-3:55: warm up time all athletes 3:55-4:25: group work outs by events 4:25-4:55 or later: individual work on events Last 2 can and will be flipped sometimes

17 Practice Runoffs/throw offs for positions for the meet
Usually only three athletes in any event in a meet. Coaches will let you know otherwise Let Coaches know ahead of time if you need to miss a practice, failure of this could result in not running in the next meet We keep track of attendance daily YOU NEED TO TELL YOUR COACH IF YOU WILL BE GONE DON’T HAVE ANOTHER ATHLETE DO IT FOR YOU IT MIGHT NOT HAPPEN!!!!!

18 Meets Bring UNIFORM and SHOES!!!!!!!!
Bring Sweats, hats, mittens anything needed to stay warm Bring Food and extra clothing!!!!!!!! Bring Homework meets last 3-8 hours depending upon meet Always be warming up stay loose Stay hydrated all day long Be ready to help out in any way possible, teammates get hurt, other things pop up at meets Watch the meet cheer for your fellow teammates, don’t sit in the tent

19 Clothing Uniforms they need special washing care
Under gear all relay teams need to be in black length of shirts / pants is not a factor All uniforms need to be turned in at the end of the season! All clothing needs to be appropriate for a school / meet setting you are representing yourself, your team and school

10. Learn how to play Ultimate Frisbee 9. Get your heart rate between 60 bpm or 50 bpm 8. Fit into your skinny pants 7. Meet new people from different schools 6. FUN!!!! It really is. Seriously!!

5. Create Individual goals and achieve them 4. Work as a team. 3. Get a head start on your summer tan 2. There are no cuts, everyone gets to run 1.The only true sport!! Olympic Tack and Field started In Athens, Greece 776 BCE

22 Print Off page 1. What is the team motto for this year ?
2. What are the top three expectations from the handbook? 3. What program goal listed in the handbook is most important to you ? 4. What is the philosophy of the varsity track program? 5. List the ways to letter. 6. If you miss any school time can you practice or participate in a meet? 7. What is the 1st and 11th way to be more coachable? 8. Do coaches have favorites is so who are they? 9. What should you do before you leave practice? 10. If you need to miss a practice what are you supposed to do? 11. List 5 items needed for Meet days. 12. Name your favorite reason for being in track Athlete______________________________________________ Parent_______________________________________________


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