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If you sell tangible goods, channels and logistics matter

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1 If you sell tangible goods, channels and logistics matter
GOALS: You could explain push vs. pull strategies and what channels need to accomplish ( ), what makes for better channel arrangements ( ), how to cope with channel conflict ( ), and how to set and implement logistics objectives ( ).

2 Pull Strategy: Push Strategy: Manufacturer Channel partner Customer
Communication Flow Product Flow

3 TASKS for some part of the channel (p
TASKS for some part of the channel (p. 233 offers more detail in a table) Transport tangible goods Advertise, which may include gathering information about buyers, competition, changes in the legal environment -- whatever Store inventory Kontact buyers, and after a sale Kollect the agreed-on price

4 So how would you design a channel, or evaluate the one you have?
Establish channel objectives from the customers’ perspective: Speed? Efficiency to cut costs? Convenience? Identify major channel alternatives: Where would customers expect to buy what you are marketing? Evaluate major channel alternatives. The Internet may be a second channel where you sell direct

5 Managing Channel Conflict
Adoption of superordinate goals Exchange of employees Joint membership in trade associations Co-optation (give channel members at least advisory roles, and maybe power) Diplomacy, mediation, or arbitration Legal recourse

6 Logistics: think of cost/service tradeoffs
Calculating the Cost of Market-Logistics Systems M = T + FW + VW + S Where . . . M = total market-logistics cost of proposed system; T = total freight cost of proposed system; FW = total fixed warehouse cost of proposed system; VW = total variable warehouse cost of proposed system S = total cost of lost sales due to average delivery delay

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