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Geometry Math Centers.

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1 Geometry Math Centers

2 Pumpkin Nim Directions:
Players take turns placing one pattern block piece at a time until the pumpkin is covered. The person who fills in the last hexagon wins! Play again and change the rules so that the loser is the one who covers the last hexagon.

3 Apple Nim Directions: Players take turns placing one pattern block piece at a time until the apple is covered. The person who fills in the last space wins! Play again and change the rules so that the loser is the one who covers the last space.

4 Nim Materials Pattern blocks Pumpkin Nim pattern Apple Nim pattern

5 Seasonal Symmetry Activities
Sort the fall pictures into 4 groups – Has line symmetry – Has rotational symmetry – Has both line and rotational symmetry – Not symmetrical Draw or use the pattern blocks to create four designs -- one to fit each category. Practice using the mira and mirrors to find symmetrical designs.

6 Seasonal Symmetry Activities
Fall cut-outs and pictures White paper Art materials—crayons, markers, etc. Pattern blocks

7 Fabulous Fall Art Create a scarecrow using only polygons. Record the name of each polygon used in your design. Create a fall picture using pattern blocks. Trace and color the design on construction paper. Find the total fractional amount of your design (Hexagon = 1) and record at the bottom of your picture.

8 Fabulous Fall Art Materials
Geometric shapes precut Construction paper Glue or glue stick Markers, crayons, or colored pencils Pattern blocks

9 Thanksgiving Transformations
Practice reflections, translations, and rotations using the fall cut-outs. Try to stump your partner—create a transformation and see if your partner can correctly identify it. Choose one and glue to a note card. Review the note cards created so far and determine if the transformation is a reflection, translation, or rotation.

10 Thanksgiving Transformations Materials
Fall cut-outs Glue Blank index cards

11 Leafy Grids Each player should select 5 fall pictures and place them on their coordinate grid. Players take turns calling-out ordered pairs. If a player names the correct location of a fall item, it is removed. The winner is the first player to locate all 5 of their partner’s objects.

12 Leafy Grids Materials Coordinate grids—paper, cookie sheets, box lids, poster board Fall items—attached with magnets, velcro, tape, or drawn on grid

13 3-Dimensional Fun Complete the following activities to explore 3-D shapes: Sort the 3-D shapes. What groups can you create? Sort the shapes again. Can you create different groups? Play “Mystery Shape” with a friend. Without your partner looking, hide a 3-D shape in a bag. Have your partner reach in the bag and feel the shape. Can they guess what shape is in the bag?

14 3-Dimensional Fun Create 3-D shapes with the materials provided.
Marshmallows & toothpicks Gumdrops & toothpicks Clay & toothpicks Wire & straws Pipecleaners Geoblock Match-up Match the 3-Dimensional blocks with each face. 3-D Scavenger Hunt Search around the room to find 3-D shapes. Which shapes are easier to find? Why do you think these shapes are easier to find?

15 Triangle Investigation
Use the chenille stems to try to make triangles. Cut the chenille stems to the length listed on the investigation sheet. Is it possible to make each triangle? What conjectures can you make about the length of triangles?

16 Perplexing Polygon Puzzles
Complete the polygon puzzles and designs using: Pentominoes Tangrams Pattern Blocks

17 Polygons with Triangles
Arrange the triangles to make as many polygons as you can. Sort the polygons and glue your designs to a large poster. Triangle Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon

18 Polygon Designs Create a variety of figures using the materials provided. Once you have created several shapes, sort them into groups based on their attributes. Materials: Yarn & glue Toothpicks & glue Geoboards & rubberbands

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