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MSS Interference Analysis for AeroMACS

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1 MSS Interference Analysis for AeroMACS
October 12, 2012

2 Introduction Working group was established by RTCA SC-223 Charter:
“Define a working method of specifying emissions from all expected AeroMACS future deployments that are compliant with ITU co-interference requirements, to establish 2-way link levels with the aircraft to ensure closure of the RF-link without adversely affecting the Global Star Satellite feeder links. The deliverable would be in the form of MOPS or SARPS requirements and a technical report delivered to an ICAO technical group via a working paper.”

3 MSS Interference Analysis WG Participants
FAA - Brent Phillips FAA - Mike Biggs DFS - Armin Schlereth ECTL - Nikos Fistas INDRA – Antonio Correas Uson SINTE - Jan Eric Hakegard NASA - Jeff Wilson NASA - Rafael Apaza Harris - Art Ahrens ITT Exelis - Bruce Eckstein ITT Exelis - Natalie Zelkin ITT Exelis – Ward Hall

4 Analysis Method Very large and Large size airports
US categories: XL/Large/OEP (Qty 35) Europe categories: Very Large/Large (Qty 50) Model parameters Horizon-omni base station pattern 2x transmitter PA power All AeroMACS channels* are used Medium size airports US category: Class C (Qty 123) Europe category: Medium (Qty 50) 1x transmitter PA power AeroMACS channel use factor Small size airports All other airports in Openflights database. Model parameters Base station sector directional antennas Sectors pointed in random directions 1x transmitter PA power AeroMACS channel use factor All airports world-wide are included in the analysis Non-US and Europe airports found to not to contribute significantly to N. Atlantic interference “hotspot” The analysis method was driven by the European study [1] of number of sectors required at an airport (e.g., if the number of sectors was greater than 11 (number of channels in ) then a “pseudo-omni was assumed as a given channel would be used in more than one direction) [1] WA4 Airport Capacity & Coverage An AeroMACS “channel” is the 5 MHz-wide bandwidth transmitted by a base station sector that consists of 512 sub-carriers

5 Analysis Conditions and Assumptions
Effective isotropic Radiated Power (EiRP) is the sector transmit power at the antenna input plus antenna gain Maximum allowable EiRP in a base station sector shall be the sum of both transmit power amplifiers (PA’s) in a 2-channel MIMO system Base Station Sector patterns are defined to be ITU-R F reference patterns with 120˚ 3dB beamwidth toward the Horizon Zero base station pattern down-tilt Scaling assumptions: A factor for occupied number of channels per airport category 22 channels used for large airports 6 of 11 channels for medium airports 1 of 11 channels for small airports Apply a 50% power reduction to small airports MSS interference analysis completed by NASA using Visualyze software

6 Recommended gain mask


8 Maximum number of channels at an airport
Draft Limits Table Airport category Maximum number of channels at an airport Maximum total radiated power at an airport channel, mW Maximum Allowable EiRP per Base Station Sector, dBm +22 dBm (300 mw) maximum sector PA power +15 dBi peak sector antenna gain 0˚ (Horizon) to +1.5˚ Elev. +1.5˚ to 7.5˚ (linear decrease) +7.5˚ to 27.5˚ +27.5˚ to Zenith Large 66 1800 37 37 to 34 34 to 22 22 to -1 Medium 18 900 Small 1 150 34 34 to 31 31 to 19 19 to -4 Airport Category Definitions – Based on ICAO airspace definitions

9 Recommendations The ACP WG is invited to consider using the provided information as the basis of ICAO SARPs spectrum requirements for AeroMACS.

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