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Becky Frederick Sped 503MM May 1, 2012

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Presentation on theme: "Becky Frederick Sped 503MM May 1, 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Becky Frederick Sped 503MM May 1, 2012
Songs Help Us Learn! Becky Frederick Sped 503MM May 1, 2012

2 What Songs Have Helped Us Learn?
The Alphabet Song The Months of the Year Jenny by Tommy Tutone (55 seconds)

3 What else can we learn by putting information into a song?
The Presidents of the United States The United States of America

4 The Presidents of the United States
The Presidents of the United States to the tune of Yankee Doodle Animaniacs Presidents Presidents Rap Presidents Rap with years and what they did

5 The United States of America
Animaniacs States and Capitals song States and Capitals Rap

6 Questions??? Thank you! 

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