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Technology National Organization, Technology Survey, Computer & Networking Security, & Refresh Program 2017 Regional Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology National Organization, Technology Survey, Computer & Networking Security, & Refresh Program 2017 Regional Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology National Organization, Technology Survey, Computer & Networking Security, & Refresh Program 2017 Regional Meeting

2 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
Agenda NTC Technology Organization 2017 Technology Survey Wireless Networks & Routers Unsecured network usage Netis router WISP failures Recommended Setups for using Public WiFi Computer Security Windows 10 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

3 Introductions Jackie Lynn Coleman – Director – National Business Operation – Tax-Aide Tim Noonan - Senior Technical Support Specialist Bill Wittelsberger - Senior Project Specialist Nicholas Varzandeh – Tax-Aide Sr Advisor – Technology Bruce Gelsinger – Chair – National Technology Committee Bob Willis – Deputy Chair – NTC 8-10 technical team members 2017 Regional Meeting

4 National Technology Committee (NTC)
Advisory body between the Technology Staff Members and the TCS’ Policies and Procedures for program technology issues Works with IRS and Tax Software Vendor, plus NTTC and NLT Training documents, Objectives, Webinars, Software 2017 Regional Meeting

5 NTC Technology Survey from 2017
National Technology Committee

6 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
Survey Participation Surveys Submitted By Split-State Percent % % Sites Represented ,856 Percent % % 2017 Tech Survey Data 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

7 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
Computers by Source Tech Survey Data 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

8 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
2015 & 2017 Computers Computer Used at Multiple Sites % Most AARP Computers Reimaged This Year % % Used Standard User % % Installed Anti-Malware Program % % Malwarebytes 65.0% Others 35.0% Used Cloud Storage to Distribute Material % % Google % Dropbox % OneDrive % Other % Tech Survey Data 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

9 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
Internet Connection Tech Survey Data 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

10 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
Internet Configuration Tech Survey Data 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

11 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
Tax Return Printing Tech Survey Data 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

12 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
2017 Printers Per Site 30% of Sites said they had a Spare Printer in addition to the above 2017 Tech Survey Data 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

13 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
2017 Technology Survey Questions? 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

14 Computer Security 2017 Sep TCS Webinar

15 Security in Tax-Aide Unintentional disclosure of private information continues to rise The security of taxpayer accounts and personal information is a top priority for the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program. It is the Program’s responsibility as an Authorized IRS e-file Provider to have security systems in place to prevent unauthorized access to taxpayer accounts and personal information by third parties 2017 Regional Meeting

16 Security in Policy Manual
Section 8: Confidentiality and Security of Taxpayer Data It is divided into four sections Data Security Physical Security Reporting a loss Section 9: E-Filing of Tax Returns Section 14: Equipment and Records Management Section 15: Obtaining Equipment and Consumables 2017 Regional Meeting

17 Security Overview Since IRS and AARP require that All Taxpayer Data is Confidential and Secure Will Look at Long Standing Basics Best Practices The Future 2017 Regional Meeting

18 Basics – Computer Security
Anti-Virus Software updated and run regularly - REQUIRED Recommended to also have an anti- malware program such as Malewarebytes 2017 Regional Meeting

19 Required Procedural Basics
Back out of T/S when walking away from the computer at tax sites Make sure PC’s out of sight when transporting in your vehicle There should be NO taxpayer data on PC’s If needed, use an encrypted folder, and Delete when not needed If lost or stolen, contact police and National Office 2017 Regional Meeting

20 Personal Laptops Not prohibited, but somewhat riskier
Must run PSI and register the computer Ensure all programs are up to date, especially Windows, Adobe Delete Java if not needed for other programs 2017 Regional Meeting

21 Networks and Hardware Best Practices 2017 Regional Meeting

22 Secure Network Progress
In TY % of Tax-Aide networks were secure networks Network Agent data 13% of Survey Addendums mentioned setting up secure networks, 50% of those failed due to Netis issue with WISP. 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

23 Unsecured Network usage
314 Tax-Aide sites identified as using insecure Wireless access during tax preparation (Network Agent data) 280 identified to a “site” listed in the Portal (cross match agent geographic data to portal address) List to be distributed to TCS’ in fall Webinars. 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

24 Best Practices - Networks
Use Cabled Router AARP Foundation Tax-Aide National Leadership Team has endorsed the position that Public WiFi can only be used to obtain access to the Internet using a IAC Laptop, Range Extender, or WISP Router (802M or 810M) This includes a prohibition on Internet based printing. Public WiFi in this context is any network for which access is easily and widely available. Whether or not a password is used is irrelevant. 2017 Regional Meeting

25 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Wired Router Wireless or Wired Router Network Printer Printer connected to single laptop Laptop Network Switch USB cable Modem Site Network 2017 Regional Meeting 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

26 Public WiFi Setup Prohibited
Internet Personal Systems Tax-Aide Printer Library/Building Public Wifi Tax-Aide Laptops Public Library Systems 2017 Regional Meeting

27 Allowed/Encouraged -Public WiFi Usage
Internet Personal Systems Library/Building Public Wifi Wisp Router, Extender, PC Public Library Systems Tax-Aide Laptops 2017 Regional Meeting

28 References – WiFi Security articles
Man in the Middle attack demonstration demonstrates-risks-of-using-public-wi-fi wifi-is-a-public-health-hazard- dd5b8dcb55e6#.9k9l3xkom what-an-eavesdropper-sees-when-you-use-an- unsecured-wi-fi-hotspot.html Man in the Middle attack theory 2017 Regional Meeting

29 Print Sharing Printer connected to a PC with a USB cable.
Not a problem in itself If printer is then shared in the software, the connection can be hacked. 2017 Regional Meeting

30 My network is secure so windows print sharing is fine – NOT !
Very likely that there will be no issues Security breaches are very low probability. “Security by Obscurity” works – in general. If an event occurs the consequences are high and negative. If a single system becomes infected, all systems become infected – this has generally been true over PC history 2017 Regional Meeting

31 What if the Site Printer is not set up for Networking?
Explore whether another site or district has a network printer available for that site Determine if the IRS has a printer for you Limit printing to the QR station(s) Use multiple existing printers Use a dedicated print station 2017 Regional Meeting

32 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis
Questions?? 2017 October Regional Mtg - Minneapolis

33 Bob Willis National Technology Committee
2017 Tech Refresh Bob Willis National Technology Committee

34 Computer Technology Issues
Old Computers Worn Keyboards Low Resolution Screens Computer Technology Issues <click> Old computers <click> Worn keyboards <click> Hard-to-read screens <click>What makes worn keyboards different from the rest?

35 Past Computer Replacement Programs
Annually Time Technology Requirements Identified Budget Identified Replacement Targets Identified Plan Comm. To States Computers Ordered Computers Shiped So we took a look at how we’ve conducted computer replacements in the past National set a budget for new computers <click>They also identified what would be replaced <click>They communicated those plans to the regions and states, and ordered the computers for shipment to Graceworks <click>Other organizations were involved <click>The NTC was involved throughout, determining needs and recommendations <click>Graceworks received the computers, loaded the Tax-Aide image, recorded the serial #s and shipped them to the states <We, in the states, received them, put them in OIS and TIA, and placed them in productive use Problems Computers Rcvd Entered Into OIS National NTC Graceworks States

36 New Technology Refresh Program
Annually Time Technology Requirements Identified Budget Identified Suggested Targets Comm To RCs Computers Ordered Computers Shipped So we’ve come up with a replacement process, the technology refresh process We still start with budgets beings developed <click>And we still have the NTC involved throughout <click>But now, the Nation Technology Teams comes up with a list of computers SUGGESTED for replacemement <click>They send that list to the RC, who works with his or her state teams to review, edit and update that list <click>Then, that list is sent back to National as the list of comoputers to be replaced <click>National then orders the PCs, Graceworks ships them, and you receive thm as in the past <click>The primary change is that the RC makes final decisions regarding which PCs will be replaced RCs Scrutinize & Adjust Suggested Targets, Send Updated Target List To National Computers Rcvd & OIS Updated National NTC Graceworks States RC is the final arbiter (RCs with RTAs, SCs, TCSe & TCs)

37 Benefits Allow for local variances Move decisions to the states
Employ a similar approach for printers Consider all computers including donations This has benefits. It moves the decision closer to the users of the PCs. <click>It consider ALL PCs, including donated computers <click>It allows for local variances – poor displays, previously replaced computers, etc <click>We will likely eventually employ a similar approach for printers

38 But Look Out For What’s Coming …
Microsoft ended standard support for Windows 7 on Jan. 13, 2015. Microsoft will end extended support for Windows 7 on Jan. 14, 2020. We can use Windows 7 for tax years 2017 (Feb-Apr 2018) and 2018 (Feb-Apr 2019). For tax year 2019 (Feb-Apr 2020) we can no longer use Windows 7. Our highest computer replacement priority is 100% Windows 10 readiness. But watch out! <click>hurricane <ckick>curverball <click>Windows 10 When will Microsoft end standard Windows 7 support? <click>Ended 1/13/15! Extended support? <click> 1/14/2020 Long way away? This and next yea After that, no Windows 7 Windows 10 is a top priority

39 Empowerment Comes With Responsibilities
Decisions will need to be made quickly & on time Must return all computers being replaced Need exemplary teamwork (RCs, SCs, RTAs, TCSes, NTC, National) Use resources efficiently Computers must be in OIS and TIA to be considered Windows 10 must be our # 1 priority We have some responsibilities to fulfill along with this change Decision need to be made quickly and due dates must be met – replacement list <click>Windows 10 capability must be our #1 priority <click>This will take close teamwork amongst the involved parties <click>All replace computers must be returned to Graceworks – this will be enforced <click>Computers must be in OIS and TIA with recent data <click>It is incumbent upon us to use resources efficiently – training-only computers

40 Tech Refresh – Considerations
2017 Tech Refresh – Computers Because Windows 7 will no longer be supported after January 14, 2020, we are accelerating the upgrade to Windows 10 on AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Computers this year. All AARP purchased computers for this season will have Windows 10. Tech Refresh computers will include both donated and locally purchased computers in the OIS, previously only AARP purchased computers were replaced. Additional funds are being used this year to substantially increase the quantity of Refresh computers available. 2017 September Webinar 9_27 & 28

41 Tech Refresh 2017 Allocation Decision Making
By October 13th, the National Technology Staff will distribute to Regional Coordinators a lists of Computers broken down by Split-State eligible for replacement, plus a projected number of computers allocated to each Region By or before November 3rd, Regional Coordinators will have worked with the appropriate volunteers in each of their Split-States to determine and prioritize regional/state/district/local needs, and will return their finalized list of replacement requests to the National Technology Staff 2017 September Webinar 9_27 & 28

42 Tech Refresh 2017 Tech Refresh – Printers
No formal Printer Refresh is planned this year. Split-States need to review their available printers on a District and State-wide basis to best use their available printers. Priority should be… Insure sites have Windows 10 capable printers. Sites have network capable printers. Larger sites have higher volume printers. Identify excess printers that can be made available to other Districts or Split-States in your Region. Also consider using IRS network printer that seem to be readily available in some states 2017 September Webinar 9_27 & 28

43 Tech Refresh 2017 Tech Refresh – Printers
The printer analysis on a national basis is very incomplete and requires more research. But initial findings show more of our printers are Windows 10 capable then was expected. 2017 September Webinar 9_27 & 28

44 Future Considerations
Upgrade all PC’s to W-10 within 2 years Continue to Analyze how to lower the risk of exposing data to hacking Improve our TIA inventory Identify and track machines used only for Training 2017 Regional Meeting

45 Questions Discussion 2017 Regional Meeting

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