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Leading your team through change

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1 Leading your team through change
Workshop 1

2 Objectives: Understand the line manager’s role in managing change
Consider the skills needed to lead and manage change successfully Adopt strategies for coping with change and building personal resilience Recognise a range of emotional responses to change in self and others

3 Managing change and transition
Change is a process and can be planned Transition: Managing yourself and others through change Letting go of the past and taking up new behaviours or ways of thinking

4 Major change every X years
Experience of change Ongoing minor change Major change every X years

5 Kotter’s 8 stage model for managing change effectively
Rationale Team Vision and consult Communicate Empower Create quick wins Don’t let up Make it stick Implement and sustain Engage and enable Create climate for change

6 Line manager’s role, responsibilities and skills

7 Your role is key because ….
You are close to the action Your team trust you You understand the work

8 You need to ….. Communicate Be an advocate Coach Liaise
Manage resistance Follow through

9 Communicating with your team: What will they want?
To question your plans and reasons behind change Their concerns to be listened to by management Reassurance about how change will affect them personally Clear direction and leadership Sense that you empathise with their position; no sense of ‘us’ and ‘them’ Honesty – truth is best even if it is bad news Promise of regular updates Chance to be consulted

10 ‘People will help support what they co-create.’
Marvin Weisbord, Productive Workplaces

11 Are you prepared for change?
Your contribution depends on a combination of your: Change readiness Personal resilience “level of preparedness to make change” “ability to bounce back from difficulties” Confidence Resourcefulness Drive Optimism Emotional and intellectual engagement Tolerance for ambiguity Knowing what to do and how to do it Perform under pressure Commitment to the wider goals Emotional and physical health Rod Warner and Associates 2013

12 Are you prepared for change?
Your contribution depends on a combination of your: Change readiness Personal resilience “level of preparedness to make change” “ability to bounce back from difficulties” Confidence in dealing with change Resourcefulness Emotional engagement Optimism Intellectual engagement Tolerance for ambiguity Knowing what to do and how to do it Perform under pressure Commitment to the wider goals Emotional and physical health

13 Building personal resilience
7 characteristics of resilient people: Realistic optimists Emotionally aware Empathetic Risk takers Effective problem solvers Confident Tolerate ambiguity

14 Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from setbacks and adversity
Free I-Resilience Report:

15 Strategies for coping with change
Take charge - of your own response and of your own role in the change Talk! – to a range of people Maintain a realistic outlook Keep good lines of regular communication – avoid rumours Use and develop coping skills Exercise Relaxation – body and mind Do other things Seek support if you need it

16 A manager’s insight Kirsty Allen, Principal Assistant Registrary, discusses her experience of leading change, including: Key skills to lead change Communicating change What if you don’t agree with the change Preparing your team Managing resistance Personal emotions Maintaining energy and resilience Embedding the new norm Top tips

17 How people react to change: the change curve

18 Key areas of the change curve – what you can do
2. FRUSTRATION ANGER DEPRESSION 3. ACCEPTANCE EXPERIMENT 4.COMMITMENT 1. SHOCK DENIAL INTEGRATION Offer opportunities to explore what change means for individual/team Provide training & development Build in contingency time Celebrate success Review and monitor Plan and prepare Consider potential concerns/objections Develop strategies to pre-empt or address early Communicate regularly and often Provide info & opportunity for support 1 2 3 4


20 What type are you? And others?
HIGH Co-operator “It’s inevitable” Champion “How can I spread the word?” Cynic “Not another change initiative” Saboteur “Not whilst I’m around” Fence-sitter “Wait and see” Support LOW PASSIVE ACTIVE Reaction to change

21 Spread of reactions Fence-sitter Co-operator Cynic Champion Saboteur
Number of people Will never change Only change when no other option Wait to see what happens Get included from the start Lead the change . Actively resist change Actively welcome change Go with the flow

22 Spread of reactions: Preparation for session 2
. Will never change Only change when no other option Wait to see what happens Get included from the start Lead the change Actively resist change Actively welcome change Go with the flow

23 What will you… Start to do more of? Stop doing (or do less of)?
Continue to do? Think it, ink it, do it, review it

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