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Integrating Google Classroom to Teach Writing in Taiwan

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1 Integrating Google Classroom to Teach Writing in Taiwan
Han-Chin Liu* and Hsueh-Hua Chuang** National Chiayi University, Taiwan* National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan** Abstract In this action research, the researcher utilized Google Classroom as a teaching platform and integrated peer tutoring strategy to facilitate efficient language learning for 24 weeks. The participants were sixth grade students in the researcher’s class, and they were assigned into either tutor or tutee group. The tutors needed to assist tutees in summarizing and writing via Google Classroom platform. The tutors needed to correct their tutee’s works and give them feedback via Google Classroom. By implementing these methods, teachers had more time to monitor their students’ learning, evaluate students’ learning process, and provide assistance. The qualitative data sources for this study included a survey, in-class observations, interview transcriptions, documentations and reflections recorded by Google Classroom. The findings showed that: 1. Students‘ summarizing and writing online were improved and were able to teach each other with peer tutoring strategy via Google Classroom. 2. Students had a positivea positive attitude toward using Google Classroom as a learning platform. 3. Students had better reading comprehension after finishing the learning tasks. This study found Google Classroom a useful tools for teachers who intended to use technology in achieving effective languageeffective language learning and beyond. Instructional Materials: 4-stroke engine Apparatus: Tobii T120 Eye Tracker Data rate: 120Hz, Display: 17¨ TFT, 1280 x 1024 pixels Information Processing in Multimedia Learning Information is encoded in different formats in multimedia learning environments. Core processes in multimedia learning (Mayer, 2001): Selecting information, Organizing information, and Integrating information with prior knowledge are the in meaningful learning. Searching for relevant information can consume one’s cognitive resources. Spatial Ability Ability in searching, allocating, recognizing, and associating key visual shapes and patterns. Spatial visualization, spatial relations, and perceptual speed are the three factors that are most used as indicators of one’s level of spatial ability (Miyake, Friedman, Rettinger, Shah, & Hegarty, 2001). Visual-Cueing Providing visual cues may lead to better performance (Lin & Atkinson, 2011). Visual-cueing techniques: Signaling effect (Mayer & Moreno, 2003) Use visual cues or signals to guide viewers’ attention. Rationale Early studies on attention guidance based their findings mainly on learners’ achievement test results. Multimedia message design should promote effective searching of key elements. Spatial ability may interact with visual-cueing technique on affecting multimedia learning.. Eye-tracking data provide more details in terms of information processing. Results: The participants in both experiments had the same prior knowledge level (p>.05). No interactions between format and spatial ability on affecting achievement (F=. 16, p=.901), cognitive load (F=.051, p=.793) and eye movement indicators. Media Design Spatial Ability (SA) Eye Movement Indicators Discussions The format and cueing design had an impact on students’ cognitive load level but did not affect achievement. Spatial ability positively affected student performance in multimedia learning. Visuospatial perceptual speed and Spatial visualization The animation group drew viewers’ attention toward key components. The length of the animation might affect the effect of cueing design. Purposes Will spatial ability interact with visual cueing of computer animations in affecting cognitive load levels and performances? Will and how spatial ability affect information processing tasks/patterns while viewing different styles of instructional animations? Participants and Design Experiment 1: A 2X2 factorial design. Cognitive load, achievement, and eye-movement indicators serve as dependent variables. Attention guidance technique and Spatial ability are the independent variables.

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