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Planting Science By: Josue Maris Cardoso Brian Renteria Daniel Cruz

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Presentation on theme: "Planting Science By: Josue Maris Cardoso Brian Renteria Daniel Cruz"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planting Science By: Josue Maris Cardoso Brian Renteria Daniel Cruz

2 Your Question What do you research?
Answer: Research shows that the plants with recessive traits have purple stems, so we hypothesize that if we cross pollinate only recessive plants all the offspring will have purple stems.

3 Background We were going to cross pollinate the purp plants with the yellow plants and see what was going to happened we research and fine out that the purp plants were more dominate then the yellow one so it will grow to be purp plants.

4 Construct of Hypothesis
We mix two homozygous recessive plants Research shows that the plants with recessive traits have purple stems, so we hypothesize that if we cross pollinate only recessive plants all the offspring will have purple stems.

5 Conclusion We plan on waiting until some flowers bloom, which should be sometime right before spring break. We will then pollinate the recessive to recessive and record how many purple and how many yellow stems come up, which should give us our conclusion but we didn’t get to do it because our plants die during spring break.

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