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Physical Science Welcome to Ms. Stilfield 8th grade Rm. S-2.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Science Welcome to Ms. Stilfield 8th grade Rm. S-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Science Welcome to Ms. Stilfield 8th grade Rm. S-2

2 Purpose of this class This class is designed to provide basic coverage of physics, chemistry, and astronomy. Students will do hands-on investigative labs and activities that emphasize the scientific method.

3 Textbook The textbook is Focus on Physical Science by Glencoe Science.
There will be a class set of textbooks and each student will receive a textbook and science workbook for their use. A student works CD-ROM is available for checkout in the library for additional help.

4 What will students learn about this year?
Investigation and Experimentation (All year) Scientific Method Scientific measurement, equipment, and lab safety

5 Chemistry (September-January)
Structure of matter Elements and the periodic table Chemical reactions Chemistry of living systems

6 Sample Questions Describe the movement of molecules
in the 3 states of matter. What major molecules are in living things? How are elements grouped on the periodic chart? Compare Exothermic vs Endothermic reactions.

7 Physics (January-April)
Motion Forces

8 Sample Questions What is the average speed of a car that travels for 6.2 hours and covers 80 miles in the 1st leg, 220 miles in the 2nd leg, and miles in the 3rd leg? Describe the motion of an object if it is acted on by unbalanced forces.

9 Density and Buoyancy (April)
Sample problems: What is the density of an object if it has a mass of 3.2g and a volume of 1.6 cm3? Will this object float or sink in fresh water and how do you know? What volume of water will a 50N object have to displace in order for it to float?

10 Astronomy (May-June) The solar system Moon phases
The sun and star life cycles

11 Sample Questions What is directly responsible for the phases of the moon? What is the main difference between comets and asteroids? What is an astronomical unit and when is it used?

12 Grading Grades are based on a Standards grade, Effort grade and Citizenship grade. Standards (Performance): tests and quizzes Effort: JOURNAL! participation, labs projects, other assignments. Citizenship: behavior, number of CDP steps and attitude.


14 Approaching Proficient
Performance grade Grade Mark Percent Advanced AD 85-100% Proficient PR 70-84% Approaching Proficient AP 60-69% Not Proficient NP 0-59%

15 Assignment Type Approximate % of Performance Grade Description Quizzes 40% Students will have 1-4 quizzes per unit; about once per week. Tests Students will have 1 test at the end of the unit. Finals 20% Students will have 5 finals this year covering several units

16 Effort grade Grade Mark Percent Exemplary 4 90-100% Outstanding 3
80-89% Satisfactory 2 70-79% Needs Improvement 1 0-69%

17 Students complete and turn in a study guide for every test/quiz. Labs
Assignment Approximate % of Effort Grade Grade Description Scientific Notebook 60% Students will keep worksheets, notes, and most classwork in a spiral notebook. Study Guides 10% Students complete and turn in a study guide for every test/quiz. Labs 20% Labs will be graded on the following: participation in lab, ability and willingness to follow directions and work cooperatively, the student’s “good” use of lab time, observance of safety rules and procedures, and successful completion of the lab report. Calendar 5% Students must write the agenda and homework in a calendar. Other Work Test/Quiz corrections will be used for every exam. Students will reflect on why they missed a question. Any other classwork or homework.

18 Citizenship grade Grade Mark Outstanding 4 Above Average 3
Satisfactory 2 Needs Improvement 1


20 What is the most important part of your grade?
Science Notebook Lab reports Class participation

21 What is this Science Notebook all about?
AVID strategy Most classwork goes into the journal. Reinforces learning Helps students to stay organized so they can study easily. Graded once every unit. Approximately every 3 weeks.

22 What is the class wiki? Website for students to access class assignments, PowerPoints, and current events.

23 What do I do if my child is absent?
Check Homework Hotline Check the Class Wiki me if your child will be absent for more than 1 day. If your child is absent for a test, he/she may make it up within 1 week of returning.

24 What happens if my child fails a test?
Test grades are generally final, but exceptions can be made for exceptional circumstances. Lowest quiz score will be dropped.

25 What should my child bring every day?
Science Journal! Something to write with Good attitude Inquisitive mind

26 Classwork that is not finished Study guides Labs
What about homework? Classwork that is not finished Study guides Labs

27 What if the homework is late or not turned in?
Late work is accepted with a 10% deduction in points If work is not turned in, students will receive a lunch detention where they complete the work not turned in. Look in their student planner or online at homework hotline to find their homework assignment.

28 What have the students turned in already?
Lab Safety Contract Physical Science Policies Teacher/student contract

29 Why is this class important?
Students will learn state standards to prepare them for the CST at the end of the year and for science in high school. “True learning is experience, everything else is just information” -Albert Einstein

30 How to contact me… CONTACT ME:
ext. 1602 I am available to students at lunch or after school by appointment.

31 Who am I? Degree from UC Davis in Neurobiology
Masters Degree in Cross-Cultural Education Galt is my hometown I love science and teaching students to explore science.

32 8th grade Science Wish List
Rubbing alcohol Epson salt Aluminum foil Clear plastic drinking cups Vegetable oil Aluminum pie plates Tissues Lemon juice (concentrate) Ammonia Laundry bluing Clear film canisters Cornstarch Baking soda Borax Mineral oil Food coloring Quart sized plastic bags Glue sticks (name brand) Straws (non-bendable) Pipe cleaners Vinegar Salt

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