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Mali, Rome, and Greece Governments and Contributions

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1 Mali, Rome, and Greece Governments and Contributions

2 Review Questions Rome’s Government
Who remembers what kind of government Rome had? Representative Democracy. What is Representative Democracy? “A government in which people vote for(elect) a smaller group of citizens to represent the, and to make rules and laws for everyone” (Masoff, 2010, pg. 26) .

3 Review Questions Greece’s Government
What type of government did Greece have? Direct Democracy What is Direct Democracy? A government in which people vote to make their own rules and laws (Masoff, 2010, pg. 22) . Both Rome and Greece had governments that are similar to governments we have today in the united states.

4 Mali’s Government Mali was an empire(group of states or territories)
Who knows what type of government they had? Mali was ruled by rich and powerful kings(Masoff, 2010, pg. 30) . The first king of Mali was Sundiata. He made Mali very rich Mansa Musa was Sundiata’s descendent He was the greatest of all the Kings of Mali

5 Chalk Talk- Contributions
How do contributions from the past influence our lives today? What is a contribution? The act of giving or doing something positive(Masoff, 2010, pg. 18) . Timbuktu Had many universities. Books about Rome and Greece could be found there. Was the center for trade. Rich, powerful men controlled trade(Kings). Storytellers (Griots) Passed down the history of Mali through oral traditions

6 Closing Question What is something new you learned today?

7 Reference Masoff, J. (2010). Our World Far & Wide. Weston, CT,
U.S: Five Ponds Press.

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