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Sports Fitness Injuries.

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1 Sports Fitness Injuries

2 Sprain Injuries that affect ligaments, thick bands of cartilage that attach bone to bone.

3 Strains Injuries that affect muscles or tendons, thick bands that attach muscles to bones.

4 Overuse Injury Examples
Shin splints refers to pain felt anywhere along the shinbone from knee to ankle. People who play sports that involve a lot of running are particularly prone to this injury. One of the most common reasons for this pain is overuse, such as trying to exercise beyond your current level of fitness.

5 Overuse Injury Examples
Blisters are very painful, puss-filled lesions that are most commonly caused due to friction and pressure Ensure that shoes fit correctly. Protect the potential 'hot spots' by applying a second skin and / or taping. Keep feet as dry as possible. Wet shoes, boots and socks will cause blisters far quicker than dry ones. Wherever possible change socks regularly and use foot powder to help keep them dry.

6 Tennis Elbow vs. Golf Elbow
Tendonitis is inflammation, or swelling, of a tendon.

7 Muscle Cramps An involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle that does not relax. Cramps are extremely common. Almost 95% of people experiences a cramp at some time in their life. Any of the muscles that are under our skeletal muscles can cramp. Causes of cramps : Injury Vigorous activity Rest cramps Dehydration: Body fluid shifts Low blood calcium, magnesium

8 Side Stitch That sharp, localized twinge of pain just below the rib cage that usually occurs on the the right lower abdomen. It is particularly common in runners and swimmers. Ligaments extend downward from your diaphragm to hold your liver in place. When you run, your liver drops at the exact time that your diaphragm goes up, stretching the ligaments and causing pain

9 R.I.C.E. Rest: Resting the injured part is important to promote effective healing. Ice: Cold provides short-term pain relief and also limits swelling by reducing blood flow to the injured area. When icing injuries, never apply ice directly to the skin (unless it is moving as in ice massage) and never leave ice on an injury for more than 20 minutes at a time. Compression: If you feel throbbing, or if the wrap just feels too tight, remove the bandage and re-wrap the area so the bandage is a little looser. Elevation: Elevating an injury help control swelling. It's most effective when the injured area is raised above the level of the heart.

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