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Forms of Government Classifying Governments Who Can Participate

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1 Forms of Government Classifying Governments Who Can Participate
Geographic Distribution of Power Relationship Between Legislative/Executive Branches

2 Classifying Gov’t Who can participate
Geographic distribution of governmental power within the state Relationship b/w legislative and the executive branches

3 Who can Participate Democracy
People are sovereign-source for any and all of governments power Direct democracy (pure democracy)- will of the people is translated into public policy (law) directly by the people themselves. (mass meetings) Indirect democracy- representative democracy. A small group of persons, chosen by the people as representatives, expresses the popular will by their vote. Importance of elections

4 Who cont… Dictatorship
Government is not accountable for its policies or how they are carried out The people are not sovereign Autocracy- gov’t a single person holds unlimited political power. Oligarchy- gov’t in which power to rule is held by a small, usually self-appointed elite. Characteristics: militaristic, power by force, mock elections

5 Democracy vs Dictatorship
What are the characteristics?

6 Geographic Distribution of Power
Unitary Government All power held by a centralized government, single agency (ex: a queen, a parliament etc.) All powers of government are concentrated in the central government. Federal Government Power is divided between a central government and several local governments. Division of powers- powers divided on geographical bases (U.S. between federal govt and the states) Constitution provides for the powers Confederate Government Alliance of independent states (E.U. European Union, Articles of Confederation)


8 Relationships b/w Legislative/Executive Branch
Presidential Government Separation of powers between the Legislative and Executive branches of government. Independent from one another AND coequal Written Constitution U.S. invented this form Parliamentary Government Form of government in which the executive branch is made up of the prime minister, or premier, and that official’s cabinet. Prime minister (executive) is a member of the legislative body (parliament) and his cabinet as well. There is no separation between the executive and legislative branch.


10 Basic Concepts of Democracy
Foundations Worth of the Individual Equality of All Persons Majority Rule, Minority Rights Democracy argues that a majority of the people will be right more often than they will be wrong, and that the majority will also be right more often than will any one person or small group. No right or wrong “satisfactory” Majority must recognize the right of any minority to become, by fair and lawful means, the majority. Necessity of Compromise Compromise- process of blending and adjusting competing views and interests. Individual Freedom

11 Democracy and the Free Enterprise System
Free enterprise system (capitalism)- economic system characterized by private ownership of capital goods, investments made by private decision, competition in the market Private ownership Individual initiative Profit Competition Law of supply and demand- when supplies of goods and services become plentiful, prices tend to drop. Mixed economy- an economy in which private enterprise exists in combination with a considerable amount of government regulation and promotion Protect the public Preserve private enterprise

12 Free Enterprise

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