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THE GREAT WAR What & When: WW I Central Powers: Germany,

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Presentation on theme: "THE GREAT WAR What & When: WW I Central Powers: Germany,"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE GREAT WAR What & When: WW I 1914-18 Central Powers: Germany,
Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

2 The Allies: Britain, France, Russia & Italy What Everyone Thought: This war would be short, & it would be the “war to end all wars” WW I turns into a bloody stalemate Reality:

3 The Western Front: Battlefields in France The Eastern Front: Battlefields in Russia Problem for Germany: They have to fight the war on two Fronts.

4 A Global Conflict: Besides Europe, WW I was fought in Africa, Asia & the Ottoman Empire of the Middle East. Much of the fighting: Turned into Trench Warfare What caused this? The machine gun

5 Trench Warfare Details:
-stretched almost 500 miles on the Western Front “No Man’s Land” was the area in the middle. -many soldiers would be killed without any ground gained.

6 Life In The Trenches -Dead Bodies everywhere
-Little Food or Clean water -Disease -Trench Foot -Trench Rats -Shell Shock


8 Trench Foot

9 Trench Rats

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