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Where did the invaders come from?

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Presentation on theme: "Where did the invaders come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: To understand how the Bayeux tapestry helps us to reconstruct what happened in 1066

2 Where did the invaders come from?

3 Look at this picture. Can you see: Men chopping wood; Men shaping the wood and making boats from it; Men dragging the boats down to the sea? P’s look at the picture carefully and can then come to the front of the room and point to what they see on the board

4 Your teacher will provide you with a series of pictures that show some of the events leading up to the battle of Hastings. Each picture has a description of what is happening. In your pairs, sort these into the right order and lay them out on your table in order. Stop at this point and hand out sheets printed from the next series of slides- You can then continue with the presentation by showing the next series of slides which are in the correct order.

5 Edward the confessor dies and is buried

6 This Slide shows Harold Godwin being crowned King of England

7 This slide shows Williams men preparing wood, building ships and taking the ships down to the sea

8 Williams army take things such as food and armour to the ships where they will load them up

9 William leads his men onto the boats and they set sail for England

10 William and his army sail to England

11 Prepare my horses. Lets do what we have to do and go and destroy Harold’s pathetic army! I will soon be in my rightful place as King of England! This shows William preparing to mount his horse in full armour. In your books, write down what you think William might have said to his men just before leaving

12 How dare these French invaders think that they can take over our country. As you King and ruler I order you to muster all your energy into saving our country! This slide shows the English Saxons gathering. Harold is issuing one last speech to his troops before the battle – what do you think he might be saying. Write this down in your book.

13 This slide shows the Norman cavalry ( horses ) charging into battle
This slide shows the Norman cavalry ( horses ) charging into battle. Write down what type of weapons you can see in the picture.

14 This slide shows the start of the battle. The saxons are being attacked. Write down in your book which army are on the horses, and what method of defence are the soldiers on their feet using? The normans are attacking on horseback, the Saxons using their shield wall

15 This slide shows all the fighting in the middle of the battle
This slide shows all the fighting in the middle of the battle. Write down wha is happening to the people there are arrows pointed to.

16 In this slide William is knocked off his horse by the Saxons
In this slide William is knocked off his horse by the Saxons. For a moment the Normans think he is dead, but then he raises his head as if to tell them he is alright. Write down what you think the men around him will be thinking as they realise he is alright. You have until the end of the music to finish this! ( 2 minutes ) Thank goodness William is ok. He is indestructible, nothing can defeat him. I feel full of confidence that we will win! Beware – this slide is timed. The music will start on the second clip ( it is electronic ambient music by Orbital – quite relaxing and it slows down as it is reaching the end so they know it is coming. You can of course avoid this by turning the sound down!

17 This is the most famous picture of the tapestry. This shows King Harold. Look at the picture carefully and try to work out what is happening. Harold has just been shot through the eye with an arrow!! He tries to pluck the arrow out, but immediately after This he is struck down by a Norman warrior

18 This slide shows the Normans chasing the Saxons away on their horses
This slide shows the Normans chasing the Saxons away on their horses. Write down who you think won the battle.

19 The final scene of the Bayeux Tapestry has gone missing and has never been found. Either in the lesson, or for your homework, draw a brief sketch of what you think might have been in the last ever sketch and write down with it what it is showing. ?? P’s will hopefully work out that William being crowned King of England is the most likely event, but any reasonable guess will do.

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