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Published byFelicia Johnston Modified over 6 years ago
DEO Meeting Governing Board Detroit, MI September 5, 2008
USPS Education Shifting Gears Your Education Department has made significant progress and now it’s time to shift attention a bit…
Remarkable Progress By the End of Next Year…
Every single course will have been totally rewritten 8 of 12 are complete now Three new courses will be completed 1 of 3 is complete We will have 18 seminars 12 of 18 are complete Boat Operator Certification continues 1 of 4 levels complete The department currently manages 12 courses. To date, 8 have been totally rewritten and modernized. Each has more practical material, and extensive instructor material including new manuals and PowerPoint presentations. By then end of next year, the remaining 4 courses will have been totally rewritten. Not only that, two new courses will have been added as part of the expanded marine electrical and electronic subjects. To date, we have over a dozen seminars available and quite a few more in the works. We will have easily 18 by the end of next year. Finally, we have what we need to release and begin the first level of Boat Operator Certification – the Inland Navigator. Kits will be available this month.
Quality… Our material is EXCELLENT
We’ve tested it on multiple audiences We have solid instructor material Costs remain low to moderate How about quality…. It’s excellent! We’ve tested the material in a number of venues with rave reviews. The quality of our printing is very good, and we are moving toward a more modern and appealing style. The instructor manuals all follow a standard format and provide real guidance, tips and what to say along with the PowerPoint which can be customized to suit local conditions. The department has worked to keep the costs down for the squadrons and the members and public. Print runs are smaller, so we can continue to add updates and improve the material on a regular basis.
Outreach to Boating World
We’ve validated our approach With the boating safety community With outside markets Example: Trawler Fest We’ve begun initiatives with the boating industry We have reached out to the boating and boating education communities for a couple of reasons. First, we wanted to position USPS as the pre-eminent provider of boating education; second, we wanted to validate our approach. We have gained ringing endorsements and encouragement from Boating Law Administrators, Coast Guard personnel, and members of other boating organizations who have indicated a strong interest in taking our programs. Then, we have gone to the outside public with our seminars at boat shows and, Trawler Fest. There are 4 Trawler Fest events this year, we’ve been to 3 so far and the 4th at the end of this month. They attract a large base of experienced boaters, most of whom were not aware of USPS. These trawler boaters have attended customizeed versions of USPS seminars at these 4-day events with rave reviews on topics such as VHF and DSC, Anchoring, Radar, Powerboat Handling, and Rules of the Road. Feedback is very positive and supportive of the material and the presentation. Next, we’ve begun initiatives with the boating industry. We are striving to couple our material with the retail sales of boats and equipment. We foresee this becoming a real possibility – driving new customers to our programs and building the USPS reputation and image.
On-the-Water We’ve resolved liability issues with new insurance
On the water training Borrowed boat program USPS Insurance become primary for boat Resolved potential liability issues We’ve started “on the water” with BOC 24 members – master instructor trained For years, from an educational viewpoint, we focused on classroom instruction because the perceived liability issue seemed insurmountable. After many months of hard work and research, we have achieved what we need… an insurance program that covers our instructors on land and on sea. We are now moving rapidly to do more on the water instruction. A major achievement is coverage for the boat and instructor. For example, as soon as our instructor steps on the boat for a USPS instructional program, the USPS insurance becomes primary for the boat. This removes a major impediment to getting someone to loan us a boat for instruction. With that, we are now ready to move ahead with Boat Operator Certification. The first level has a required demo of on-the-water skills based on the US Sailing “Start Powerboating Right” program. We have had 24 of our members master instructor trained by US Sailing and they can now begin training others.
Challenges Now, we must: Promote and Offer them!
Urgent need for quality, trained instructors We must reach out to new… Audiences Venues Approaches Now, our challenges are in delivery and promotion. It does us no good to have the best materials if we cannot get them to the boater. A large part of our shifting gears is a renewed focus on the instructor. We need to develop new instructors to fan out across the boating environs offering our seminars and our courses. We also need to step out of our comfort zones to approach new audiences and venues. The Trawler Fest is an excellent example. As a result of our efforts, local squadrons are becoming central to their events allowing them to recruit, sign-up attendees for seminars and courses, offer vessel safety checks for the visiting boats, and generally promote USPS. Yacht clubs, marinas, marine stores, and the like are targets for our new programs that we know will work. Then, we need to promote our programs at all levels, especially at the local level.
Shifting Gears While maintaining our product momentum…
We will emphasize instruction Instructor outreach and training Communications BLOGs for each course Get to know each other Share ideas and techniques Instructor training on specific programs We will be implementing some new tools in our outreach to instructors – current and new. Our instructors are every bit as much a part of the Ed Dept as any committee member. They will be approached to offer their opinions, assistance, and willingness to test new ideas. BLOGs will be implemented for each subject, so instructors can share ideas with each other as well as the committees. We’re also going to expand our “train-the-trainer” programs and tools to effectively train instructors to make them comfortable with our emerging material.
USPS Membership Here are our membership numbers – these represent the number of active members at the end of July for ten years. Over the past 10 years the decline has been steadily down. None of our initiatives has slowed this rate of decline… so it’s time for some serious reflection
Public Boating Safety Courses
We mentioned the downward trend in attendance in our public boating safety classes. We seem to go for a year or two with flat attendance followed by steep dips. We have far more competition in this area than a decade ago. Some states give courses for free. The internet is popular in some areas for on-line courses. On top of that, we have had a strong market downturn over the past 4-5 years and it will continue another year or two. Our solution is to produce even better and appealing material, and offer high-value as well as high quality. Our new ABC 3rd edition, explained later, is now our single course. We perceive that it will help arrest the decline in numbers somewhat, but until the market recovers, we don’t expect an upswing. Must reverse downward trend 62 squadrons not reported any boating course as of 7/31/07
Summary Here is an overlay of membership and our public boating safety courses along with our member course completions and our seminars. As you can see, the member courses are dropping at a rate faster than our membership. This, if left unchecked would further exacerbate the membership decline. The seminars, introduced in the prior Ed Year (1 Jul – 30 Jun) have taken hold and offer us the alternative to gaining members by going after the experienced boater. As you can see, the seminars have more than made up for the decline in public boating safety courses.
Advanced Grades - Completions
Course completions are a lagging indicator of what we are doing because it takes a fair amount of time for the new material to work its way into the squadrons, and then some time for completion of the courses. The overall trend is not so good with the exception of the new JN course which is on an upswing. We have a strong uptick in Piloting in 2005 (reflecting a pent-up demand for new material) and then Advanced Piloting in Once the initial demand was satisfied, both settled back down. The diminished number of new members exacerbates the attendance combined with a limited number of available instructors and less than ideal promotion.
Electives - Completions
The results for the elective courses are more mixed. What shows up is the strong growth in Engine Maintenance since its total rewrite early last year. Every time we issue a new release, there is an immediate surge in interest. Note the large uptick in Weather in 2003 after the last major update. Weather is depressed a bit this year due to the delay in getting the new edition released. We spent the time refining this course to make sure it’s right. Marine electronics is being split into three courses, all totally new and it is expected they will see a similar surge.
Electives - Completions
The results for the elective courses are more mixed. What shows up is the strong growth in Engine Maintenance since its total rewrite early last year. Every time we issue a new release, there is an immediate surge in interest. Note the large uptick in Weather in 2003 after the last major update. Weather is depressed a bit this year due to the delay in getting the new edition released. We spent the time refining this course to make sure it’s right. Marine electronics is being split into three courses, all totally new and it is expected they will see a similar surge.
Electives - Completions
The results for the elective courses are more mixed. What shows up is the strong growth in Engine Maintenance since its total rewrite early last year. Every time we issue a new release, there is an immediate surge in interest. Note the large uptick in Weather in 2003 after the last major update. Weather is depressed a bit this year due to the delay in getting the new edition released. We spent the time refining this course to make sure it’s right. Marine electronics is being split into three courses, all totally new and it is expected they will see a similar surge.
Percent of Members with Courses
An important question is, “do we have a higher or lower percentage of members who have completed each of our courses?” The answer to that question is yes. Every course shows an increased percentage of members. There certainly is room for expansion. Our most popular course, Seamanship, has been completed by only 60% of our total membership. Piloting has been completed by only half. AP by only 30%. The percentages may be considered skewed a little because they are based on total membership including family members, many of whom are not inclined to take courses. In the most recent year, 87% of our total membership were active members.
Number of Member with Courses
The second part of the same question is, “how many members do we have who have completed each course?” This answer shows a decline in number for each year. However, the decline in membership has been at a rate greater than the decline in members who have completed each course. In other words, our new members are taking our courses, but the number of new members each year is not replacing those who leave.
Boating Completions By District
Here is the unfortunate news on public boating safety courses, by district. As you can see only Districts 16 and 33 have growth over last year. Some districts have dropped for half or more. Part of this is fewer course sessions being offered. The department is releasing the totally new course to help with what is already the top material on the subject. Now, we need to promote the classes.
What’s New? America’s Boating Course New Seminars New/updated Courses
Boat Operator Certification What’s new? We’ll talk about America’s Boating Course, Seminars, Courses, and Boat Operator Certification.
America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition
Nov 1st 1 book Classroom, internet – same book Professional layout, graphics High-quality, color printing ABC 3rd Edition is a totally new course. It take the best of the Squadron Boating Course, Boat Smart, and ABC. It then rearranges the flow into a more logical format. Adds lots of quality graphics, trims the verbage, and finishes off with professional formatting. It now looks like the best of retail books on the market with a fresh and inviting format. The course comes with CDs with animated, narrated courseware for home study and a CD for digital charting.
Advantages We will have one course Book, CD, and PowerPoint
Can be delivered in three ways Book, CD, and PowerPoint All coordinated Emphasis on quality & value Clearly the best Extra content, CD’s Now, the same course can be delivered three ways: in the classroom, on the internet, or for sale for home study. A student who begins on-line may decide that the classroom is a better venue. They will see the same material and can seamlessly move into the class. For our purposes, the classroom is the preferred delivery method and we are making it easier for them to move that way. Our emphasis is on value – this is the best course and it comes with the most.
Internet ABC 2008 2009 Continue with existing ABC USPS – sole owner
Internet will match classroom course Exam – on-line or squadron Recruiting opportunity Transition potential to classroom Our internet course will continue to use the older ABC books for the remainder of the year. This will allow us to consume the remaining stock of materials as well as more gracefully transition. Come 2009, we will deliver the same book and CDs to those taking the on-line course as we do in the classroom. We do not get to know our on-line customers unless we can get them connected with our squadrons. We want to encourage them to make contact to get local and state information, and to take the exam at the end. We’d also like to migrate them into the classroom to get an opportunity to know them. We are currently evaluating whether we will continue on-line exams for the on-line customers.
Student Package ABC Book Student CD’s Two parts – incremental
Boating Safety & Seamanship (8hr) 4 logical chapters Introduction to Navigation (4hr) Piloting: GPS, charts, compass Student CD’s Animated courseware Study at home, refresher, reference Digital Charting – software & charts We will be using the same book for everything. Most squadrons liked the 3 chapter format of Boat Smart. We needed to add more material to address new NASBLA topics and standards. We also came up with a more logical format and added a 4th chapter for the basic 8-hour course. The first chapter is lighter to ease into the material. The 4th chapter is lightest to allow for review and exams. The fifth chapter covers an introduction to navigation using GPS. Even with those classes that do not cover this material, this chapter and the other reference material in the book leave the students with the impression that there is more to learn about boating. Many squadrons have found that a good number students will continue on for the extra material leading to an extra recruiting opportunity. The two CDs offer added value and USPS is unique in this. The animated courseware is significantly updated from the former ABC courseware. The excellent graphics, narration and animation make the course material interesting an easy to understand. This allows students to review the material at home. The digital charting CD becomes a companion to the navigation chapter as well as an interest-builder for more training.
Instructor Tools PowerPoint Instructor Manual Excellent graphics
Animations Instructor Manual Slide notes Supporting examples Exercises The PowerPoint is totally updated and trimmed. We are using a number of the ABC graphics. Now, our book, our companion courseware CD, and the PowerPoint all match. We have been able to extract some of the animations to assist the instructor in the classroom. We have put together a solid instructor manual that provides lots of details and prompts for the instructor. This manual is in the same format as our other instructor manuals with a common look and feel.
New Seminars Seminar format More Titles Addition of Seminar Series…
A major success More Titles 12 titles, more to come… Addition of Seminar Series… Mini-Courses Seminars have represented the major bright spot in our educational program. We began them in the Ed Year and they have expanded in number in the most recent Ed Year. We’ve also added seminar series’ with more than one session (typically 2-4 sessions) which we’ll call mini-courses.
Seminars Success Attracting “experienced” boaters Easy to deliver
Hot topics of interest Opportunity to recruit Easy to deliver Shorter format Unique to USPS Field tested Seminars target both our members and the public. Our members are attracted to an opportunity to “tune-up” their skills and get new information. The public is attracted to get information they want and need, and in the process, get to know USPS. The public attendees are more likely to be experienced boaters who are looking for new skills and better information. We want this target market in USPS. The seminars are simpler to deliver and can be delivered in many venues not available for courses such as marine stores. Most important, we are unique in having them (at least for a while) and can utilize this format to gain members. Lastly, the seminars are field-tested.
Current Titles - 1 How to Use a Chart Using GPS
Using VHF & VHF/DSC Marine Radio Onboard Weather Forecasting Boat Handling Sail Trim Our current seminar list has a dozen titles. Here are the initial six that were available as of last summer. Using GPS has been our best seller, but the others are doing well. VHF is very timely as the Coast Guard Rescue 21 system is being deployed across the country giving them DSC capability. Our seminar instructs the use of DSC and provides a simulator to try it at home as well as demonstrating in the classroom.
Current Titles - 2 PaddleSmart™ Marine Knots Anchoring Marine Radar
Trailering Hurricanes Here are the six titles added this year.
Reaching Out – New Markets
Paddle Smart® Largest & fastest growing market segment Trailering Largest powerboat segment As a boating organization, we need to reach out to new markets. Paddling is the fastest growing market segment with about 50% of the new boats sold over the past 5 years being kayaks and canoes. Our seminar reaches out to the new and intermediate paddler for a classroom indoctrination. With kayaks available virtually everywhere, we are the ones who offer the opportunity for training. Trailer boaters represent the largest segment of power boaters, we have added this excellent seminar to help them understand all of the elements of trailering. It comes with an excellent USPS Guide book which is rich in detail.
First Mini-Course Advanced Powerboat Handling 6-8 hr Course
Close Quarters Maneuvering Know your Boat and Seas Handling in Open Waters Animated presentation Detailed techniques Visualize actions Clear target market Combine with on-the water training (option) The first of our mini-courses (seminar series) is Advanced Powerboat Handling. Our Seamanship course begins this subject, but this course is generally the first course our members take as new boaters and its boat handling component is limited. This seminar is a serious but richly illustrated approach to the principles of what boats do and why and how to handle them. This seminar series can be coupled with on-the-water training as a total immersion in boat handling. Look for this program this Fall. It has been field tested at Trawler Fest.
Partner In Command Seminar Series Designed for What do you do
Coming this Fall Designed for Partners, spouse Crew What do you do If you take the helm Fill in as skipper Our second mini-course is Partner in Command. This is the sequel to Skipper Saver, but its scope and concept has been expanded. It is intended for spouses and crew aboard a boat who have not had boating safety training. Eventually, everyone will be faced with a stint at the helm whether routine or under duress. This series indoctrinates these individuals with the helm and the boat from a user perspective and provides the bare basics so they can man the helm and fill in for the skipper briefly or in an emergency.
Hands-on… and fun for all audiences
Here is an excellent hands-on seminar – great for all audiences. Marine knots are a bit unique – these are tested knots that are really used and needed The seminar hits the top knots It also includes the USPS McGraw-Hill guide which has extensive information It also includes a kit with lines and a template for tying knots.
In the Works Rules of the Road Crew Overboard Emergencies On Board
Heavy Weather Sailing Diesel Engine Care & Repair These seminars are in the works. Rules of the Road will be field tested at the next Trawler Fest and will be available before the end of the year. It comes with Wing’s book which is part of the new Seamanship course. Everyone should be familiar witht the rules and this is an interesting and engaging way to learn them and take home an excellent reference. It’s also a good precursor to going for a Coast Guard license (or renewal). Crew Overboard is one of our mini-seminars that can be provided in an hour or so and at low to no cost as an attention getter (hurricanes and boats is another example). The other three titles come with quick guides.
In the Works – coming soon!
Marine Compasses River Boating & Locks Marine Maintenance Series Using Chartplotters & Digital Charts Series Autopilots Depth Sounders & Fishfinders Coast Guard License Prep Series Here are others in the works. Marine Compasses and Marine Maintenance are topics for the Coastal Certification and will get priority for completion. The compass program is nearly complete. We are open to topics of interest and welcome inputs.
Seminar Advantages Up-to-date content Quicker, easier to deliver
Attract potential members Refresher for trained boaters Flexible venues Great for marine trades Credit toward certification Contribute operating funds Seminars are conducive to updating and keeping current, so they are used for up-to-date and late breaking information as well as basic information and training. They provide the ideal filler programs for our curriculum.
Totally Revised Member Courses
Navigation Inland and Coastal Offshore Seamanship Marine Equipment Engine Maintenance Marine Electrical Systems Weather - Sept Over the past four years or so, we have totally revised and rewritten these courses. Shorter print runs allow us to continually update the material For example, Piloting has been revised and updated twice since its initial 2004 release. Of this group, Marine Electrical Systems and Weather are brand new.
New/Updated Courses Navigation ‘08 Weather ’08
Beta – in process, final ‘09 Advanced Celestial Navigation Navigating offshore with Electronics The CAPN software & charts Weather ’08 Release – this month One book – extensive color graphics Comprehensive and practical Navigation 08 is completing its beta with some 300 copies in members hands. We will be updating the material for final release early in 2009. Weather has been totally rewritten into a consolidated, richly illustrated book. We have been given permission to use many of the USA Today graphics and we have integrated them into a logical flow to help learning the material. Many new graphics have been created to help. The book and PowerPoint match. This is the course we always wanted for mariners.
In the Works Marine Electrical Systems ‘08
1st of new courses – ready now Comprehensive and practical Marine Communications Systems End of year Marine Electronic Systems Mid next year Sail Early next year Instructor Development Cruise Planning The other two parts of what has been Marine Electronics are being written and will be released over the next year as totally individual and comprehensive courses. Marine Communications Systems will cover all types of marine comm gear, and Marine Electronic Navigation Systems will provide you with the latest in recreational boater gear. Sail is being restructured into a single book. It is anticipated that USPS and Canadian Power Squadrons will share this same book. It will be richly illustrated and comprehensive reflecting the high degree of success of Sail 101 and 102 in a single reformatted and structured book. Instructor Development and Cruise Planning will complete the update cycle next year.
Boat Operator Certification (BOC)
Ready to Go - Sept Inland Navigator Certification Resolved on-the-water insurance/liability In process Coastal Navigator Certification Boat Operator Certification is now ready for prime time. We have certifiers trained. Master certifiers are trained by US Sailing for on-the-water training and evaluation. Kits will be ready this month for the Inland Certification. Anyone interested in qualifying, needs to purchase a kit and complete, or check off the requirements. Those with substantiated on-the-water experience can apply for a waiver. Many of our members will be able to achieve this level almost immediately. The second level, Coastal Navigator is in the works for next year.
Inland Navigator Seamanship, Engines, Electrical Seminars
Boat handling, rules of the road Boat equipment Seminars How to use a Chart Using GPS Using VHF & DSC Radio Onboard Weather Forecasting The Inland Navigator level requires completion of Seamanship, Marine Electrical Systems (or ME), and Engine Maintenance courses, plus four seminars (or equivalents – see the manual in the kit), and demo of on-the-water skills and fire extinguisher use (or equivalent).
Inland Navigator Skills
Demonstrate: Safe Powerboat Handling Program based on partner – US Sailing On-the-water demo Handling Fire Extinguishers The on-the-water demo is based on the US Sailing “Start Powerboating Right” program. The kit includes the book and all are asked to review the material and be prepared to demonstrate those skills. On-the-water training will become available for those who need to learn the skills.
Levels of Certification
Inland Navigator Local: rivers, small lakes, bays Coastal Navigator Local: coastal waters Advanced Coastal Navigator Extended coastal cruising Offshore Navigator Global The four levels of certification are Inland (for those inland on rivers, lakes, bays); Coastal for local coastal waters; Advanced Coastal for near coastal and extended cruising; and Offshore for global bluewater.
Requirements Matrix Summary
Courses Seminars Skill Demos Inland Use a Chart Using GPS Using VHF Onboard Wx Seamanship Marine Electrical Engine Maint Safe Powerboat* Firefighting Coastal Compass Radar Maint Series Piloting Marine Comm Cruise Planning GPS & Wpt Distress Signal Adv Coastal Here is a summary matrix just to give you a feel. The center column refers to the waters and the right hand column cites some conditions. The “Within endorsements” means that you can operate a particular type of boat (e.g., a sail boat) if you have that endorsement. Mech Sys Series Emerg Onboard First Aid/CPR Adv Piloting Marine Electronics Weather Offshore JN Navigation Offshore Series Passage Making* * US Sailing or equivalent experience
Credentials Passport Certificate Shows progress Completed level
Wallet Card During the pursuit of a level, the member will have and fill in a passport with each incremental step. After completion, each will receive a wallet card and certificate.
A View to the Future We have taken a clear and commanding lead in boater education Our core strength Route to recruit and retain members Remaining… Building the Instructor Team Promoting our programs Outreach to new venues USPS has taken a clear and commanding lead in boating education with much support from authorities. Education is a USPS core skill and this builds on our strengths. Education is the route to recruit and retain our members. We have totally rebuilt our material and it is ready for “prime time”. Now it’s time to build and expand our instructor team to handle all of this material and keep them informed and updated as we progress along our expansion program. We also need to find ways to break the cycle of USPS being the “Best kept secret in boating education.” We need to let the potential customers and members know about what we are offering and get them there. We also need to reach out to new venues and approaches.
USPS University helps USPS
Continuing education Membership growth Income for the future Truly the finest boaters USPS Education offers continuing education for our members and the public. It is the prime method for membership growth (and a leading method for retention), and it provides income to keep squadrons and USPS healthy. We build good boaters. END
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