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Cheating & Plagiarism Prevention Training

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1 Cheating & Plagiarism Prevention Training 106-112
ELS Language Centers

2 Consequences of Plagiarism/Cheating
At ELS 1st time – fail the level 2nd time – expelled from school American schools/colleges/universities Fail the class or expelled from school

3 What is NOT cheating? Helping another student understand a difficult point during class discussions Sharing answers to exercises in a group or class situation Discussing which answers were probably correct, after a test is completed Helping someone else understand a homework assignment and how to complete it

4 What is cheating? Asking another student to complete your homework or other project for you and turning in his or her work as yours.

5 What is cheating? Agreeing to complete homework or other projects for another student , knowing that the other student will receive credit.

6 What is cheating? Sharing answers with another student (speaking during an exam)

7 Sharing answers (looking at another student’s paper or allowing him/her to see yours)

8 What is cheating? Entering/leaving a test with hidden questions or answers (cheat sheets) which could be distributed to other students.

9 What is cheating? Copying, photographing, or recording any part of a test.

10 What is cheating? Distributing answers or information concerning a test during or after a test.

11 What is cheating? Using your cell phone or other prohibited electronics during a quiz/test.

12 What is plagiarism? Using words or ideas from others without proper citation.

13 What are “others”? Others include the Internet, newspaper, magazine, textbook, interview, friend’s paper….Basically any information that did not come from your own brain. Not common knowledge

14 What is common knowledge?
Ideas or things that most people know (i.e. the sun rises from the east, Beijing is the capital of China, men and women are different, etc.0 As a general rule, things you have to look up or research from other sources are NOT common knowledge.

15 What if I am not sure? ASK YOUR TEACHER BEFORE you turn in your assignment!!! “Is this ok or is this plagiarism?” BEFORE you turn in your assignment.

16 Case #1: Copying Directly From Others
Original: Root TL, Price JT, Hall KR, Schneider SH, Rosenzweig C, Pounds JA Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants. Nature 421:57–6 Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate. Student wrote: Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate PLAGIARISM!!!

17 Case #2: Copying and Changing the Order of the Words
Original: Root TL, Price JT, Hall KR, Schneider SH, Rosenzweig C, Pounds JA Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants. Nature 421:57–6 Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate. Student wrote: The global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate over the past 100 years. PLAGIARISM!!!

18 Case #3: Copying With Some Words Changed
Original: Root TL, Price JT, Hall KR, Schneider SH, Rosenzweig C, Pounds JA Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants. Nature 421:57–6 Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate. Student wrote: Over the past few centuries, the world average temperature has increased by about 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a fast rate. PLAGIARISM!!!

19 Case #4: Copying Ideas That are Not Your Own
Original: Root TL, Price JT, Hall KR, Schneider SH, Rosenzweig C, Pounds JA Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants. Nature 421:57–6 Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate. Student Wrote: Due to the fact that the temperature has experienced a spike of over half a degree centigrade in the past few centuries, it is expected to keep going up very quickly. PLAGIARISM!!! – No documentation/citation

20 Case #5 Self-Plagiarism
Use an essay/paper/speech you wrote before for another class and turn it in to another teacher/same teacher. PLAGIARISM!!!

21 In what situations is plagiarism a problem?
SSP Class (speeches, homework, etc.) Reading and Writing Class (essays, etc.) Afternoon Classes (essays, research paper, etc.) ANY ASSIGNMENT, ANY CLASS, ANY TIME!!!!!

22 Why Are You So Mean????? Plagiarism is a very serious offense/problem in the United States, not just in ELS. When you plagiarize, in this culture, it means you STOLE something – other people’s idea.

23 So…how do I do it right? If you are – there is no reason for you to do any research to complete your assignments, so you do not need to worry about it. Just try your best and take knowledge from your own brain. If you are 109-Masters - Your teacher should teach you how to do it properly.

24 What is the right way to do it?
Original: Root TL, Price JT, Hall KR, Schneider SH, Rosenzweig C, Pounds JA Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants. Nature 421, 57-60 Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate. Student Wrote: Due to the fact that the temperature has experienced a spike of over half a degree centigrade in the past few centuries, it is expected to keep going up very quickly (Root et al., 2003).  citation and reference page at the end of assignment

25 Or…. Original: Root TL, Price JT, Hall KR, Schneider SH, Rosenzweig C, Pounds JA Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants. Nature 421, 57-60 Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate. Student Wrote: Due to the fact that the temperature has experienced a spike of by “approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate” (Root et al., 2003, p. 57).  citation and reference page at the end of assignment

26 Reference Page – The Last Page
References Root TL, Price JT, Hall KR, Schneider SH, Rosenzweig C, Pounds JA Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants. Nature 421, 57-60

27 Now You Try It! (only for 107+)
Work on the worksheet and discuss you answers with a partner.

28 AGAIN....What if I am not sure?
ASK YOUR TEACHER BEFORE you turn in your assignment!!! “Is this ok or is this plagiarism?” BEFORE you turn in your assignment.

29 DO NOT CHEAT!!! DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!! Because if you do…….
SO….. DO NOT CHEAT!!! DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!! Because if you do…….

30 you will sure have to see…

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