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Designing out Plagiarism

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1 Designing out Plagiarism
HAS Staff Development Workshop February 2016 Viv Rolfe and Ghizzi Dunlop

2 Session Outline 1.30 – 2pm – Background and solutions - Viv
2pm – 2.30 – Using SafeAssign formatively – Ghizzi 2.30 – 2.45 – Group workshop – Ghizzi BREAK!

3 Group chat What types of academic offence are there? Where have you encountered them?

4 Putting the plagiarism cart before the horse?
Implementation of so-called ‘plagiarism detection software’ is often priority over student inductions and building academic skills (McGowan 2005). Students new to university do not know what plagiarism is. Cultural differences might encourage ‘rote’ learning. Handbooks talk about academic offenses before they do about gaining literacy and academic skills. Do we support students in gaining academic skills to support their transition to university? Students are often confused with working together but avoiding collusion.

5 Smart curriculum design
Do first years / those new to study have access to literacy skills and support? Are programme teams offering a consistent level of support? Are assessments bunched/or workload such to encourage cheating?  Are students engaged as co-producers? Involve them in the process so they have more at stake, and builds familiarity with assessment processes.

6 Smart assessment design
Set different assignment titles each year OR Allow for an element of personalization / reflection / creativity in an assignment. Show working / process – informally, thru formal assessment maybe? Diversify your assessment format? How about peer-activity? Assessments that build academic skills – search strategies, annotated bibliography, research exercises, rather than evaluate the final product? Incorporate measures of process, e.g. viva? More relevant ‘authentic’ assignment, e.g. grant application, care plan? Reflective journals / individualized blogs?

7 Technology solutions for formative assessment

8 Plan an assessment! Write the title/explain the nature of the assessment. (Could be individual or group work). What might problems might be encountered? How might you think about curriculum or assessment design?

9 Reading Contract cheating. Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R., Using Turnitin as a tool for attribution in cases of contract cheating. In Proceedings of 3rd annual higher education academy conference in science, technology, engineering & mathematics. Available: Turnitin for instant formative feedback. Rolfe, V., Can Turnitin be used to provide instant formative feedback?. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(4), pp Designing out plagiarism. Carroll, J. and Appleton, J., Plagiarism: A good practice guide. Available: Plagiarism handbook. Williams, J.В., Plagiarism: deterrence, detection and prevention. The Handbook for Economics Lecturers. Available: Cart before the horse.  McGowan, U., 2005, July. Plagiarism detection and prevention: Are we putting the cart before the horse. In Higher education for a changing world: proceedings of the 2005 HERDSA conference, Sydney (pp ).

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