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La chasse à l'emploi years old.

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Presentation on theme: "La chasse à l'emploi years old."— Presentation transcript:

1 La chasse à l'emploi 1. 20 years old.
2. That she has been unemployed for two years. 3. She was a good pupil and passed the ‘brevet’ without problems. 4. She found the work difficult and left after a year without ‘A’ levels. 5. A restaurant waitress. 6. After 4 months because her boss couldn’t afford to pay her. 7. A holiday camp. 8. Yes, because she loves children. 9. There is only work for July and August each year. 10. Her mother works part-time in a supermarket. Her father has been unemployed for 10 years. 11. He left the area. 12. Most are unemployed, even those with ‘A’ levels. 13. Leave area/work for Club Med in France or abroad/in Autumn work in hotel in London/where a friend says they are always looking for staff. 14. She speaks English and Spanish. 15. To be unemployed all her life.

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