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Introduction - The 21st Century, especially the _______, is influenced by Postmodernism. - Postmodernism influences much of what we see in ________, ___________, and ___________. - Postmodernism is undergirded by ______________. - Secularism lays the groundwork for much of what Postmodernism teaches.
Secularism - Definition – An ________ and _________worldview that advocates a public society ______from the influence of __________. - Freedom From Religion foundation, ACLU are a couple of examples. - Secularists will say _________ of _____ kind is a ________ to society. - They believe that _____ and reason are the best explanations for the world.
Secularism - They believe their view is __________ and _______.
- Their concern is for this current age and human beings. - For the Secularist, everything in the public (government, and education) are based on materialism. - ______________– the idea that only the __________ world exists
Secularism - A Secularists argument: If materialism is true, then anything ___________ (God, spirituality, and the afterlife) is at best m________ and at worst __________ deluded The Secularists keep their narrative dominant by controlling the culture. Important pieces to their narrative: Evolution – humanity has evolved, society evolves or progresses History – Societies as they gain knowledge, they evolve or progress, so thus we’re always evolving Theological – Theology evolves. It does not remain in an archaic state, but must change.
Secularism - Beginnings of Secularists thought:
Thomas Jefferson/Benjamin Franklin – Deists who believed in the morality of God but not his supernatural power. These beliefs planted in the 18th and 19th century bloomed in the 21st century
Secularism Hunter Baker observes:
“The secularization of the public order was the result of an intentional program by secular activists. These activists ”were largely skeptical, freethinking, agnostic, atheistic, or theologically liberal” well educated persons…this group successfully changed the dominant understandings of science, higher education, primary and secondary education, public philosophy, church-state doctrine, the model of personhood, and journalism.” Excerpt taken from Understanding the Times, pg. 79
Secularism - Secularism in the 21st century: s – the publication of the Humanist Manifesto - Goal: To communicate their philosophy and value system that is void of God and traditional religion - The product of this work came to describe them as Secular Humanists - ________________– a worldview that reveres human reason, evolution, naturalism,and secular theories of ethics while rejecting every from of supernatural religion
Secularism The impact of Secularism on culture today:
The problem of “______________” Education system, especially universities. Physical or biological sciences: 1 in 2 Humanities, social sciences: 1 in 3
Secularism So, is secularism actually a worldview?
Definition of a worldview Secularism is a belief because it sees life and the world without God or religion Secularists claim they reject religion, therefore they are nonreligious Religion – any set of beliefs about the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe
Secularism - According to that definition, Secularism is _____________ in attempting to answer life’s ultimate question. - Secularism tries to “convert” unbelievers to their belief in science and reason. - Secularism is a religion that denies the supernatural
Secularism Secularism and General Revelation:
Secularists embrace the narrative that science and religion are opposed to one another. __________ is based on __________ and __________ Science is systematic, ________ application of __________and _____________ A secularist believes science “_________” the modern world from the religiously backward.
Secularism Hunter Baker disagrees when he says, “What happened in the matter of science and religion was the creation of a legend.” - _____________ became the secularists means of explaining the creation of the world. - For the Secularist, science is the only ___________ way of knowing.
Secularism Objection to the Secularists’ claim to one cannot observe or measure the supernatural: Science cannot observe the theory of evolution either. Scientific method: Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Results, Repeat The origin of life cannot be repeated, observed, tested, or falsified. Conclusion: Neither creationism nor an evolutionary account of origins is strictly ”scientific”
Secularism The Theory of evolution becomes significant in the areas of ________, _________, _______, and ____________. The theory of evolution becomes the foundational truth for the world This is the reason why the secularist ”encourage” teaching evolution as “fact” Julian Huxley, “It is essential for evolution to become the central core for any education because it is evolution, in the broad sense, that links inorganic nature with life, and the stars with earth, and matter with mind, and animals with man. Human history is a continuation of biological evolution in a different form.
Secularism Is Secularism dogmatic?
Secularists accuse Christians as being too ____________. What does it mean to be dogmatic or that Christianity has a set of dogmas? __________ – a principle or a set of principles laid down by an authority as inconvertibly true Example: The Trinity, the Incarnation of Jesus. But isn’t their belief in Evolution their set of dogmas? The idea that life on earth came through the evolutionary process is a statement of faith.
Secularism Important People and Works in Secularism:
Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species Friedrich Nietzche, On the Genealogy of Morals Bertrand Russell, Why I am Not a Christian Stephen Hawking Daniel Dennet Sam Harris Christopher Hitchens Richard Dawkins
Secularism Richard Dawkins on the OT:
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pesticidal, megalomaniacal, sadomasochist, capriciously malevolent bully.” From Dawkins’ The God Delusion
Secularism The Humanist Manifesto 2000 becomes the core foundational work for them: They live by this life: “If no deity will save us, we must save ourselves” They believe that humanity can _____________save themselves.
Secularism There is no need for a ________ of any ______.
For the secularist, belief in any deity is make – believe. Chris Brockman, “A god is a mythical character. Mythical characters are imaginary, they’re not real. People make them up.” According to Brockman, Christianity is merely a story, a fairy tale.
Secularism What’s wrong with humanity?
Humanity is always evolving, always progressing towards social perfection. They believe the mind/body are one. They also believe in ____________ which anticipates technology will develop to overcome human limitations.
Secularism What does is wrong with humanity?
Humanity is not ____________ disenchanted with spiritual things. Humanity must ________ from spiritual things and become enlightened
Secularism How should humanity live?
A denial of spiritual things leads to a denial of moral absolutes. For the Secularist, morality is ___________, not ____________. Therefore, as we evolve in our _________, we evolve in our _________.
Summary Secularism: 1. Denies any supernatural or spiritual component
2. Evolution is the foundation 3. Morality is relative.
Postmodernism Definition: a skeptical worldview, as a reaction to modernism, that is suspicious of _____________, ultimate reality are inaccessible, and knowledge is a social construct. Metanarratives – a single, overarching interpretation, or grand story, of reality. For the postmodernist, they are skeptical about almost ___________.
Postmodernism A reaction to modernism:
Modernism – 1900, led to skepticism about basic tenets of Christianity. Modernism emerges out of the influence of the Enlightenment. It is characterized by ___________, ___________, __________, and _____________ progress. They are skeptical toward the ___________, ___________, and the _________ of religion.
Postmodernism Postmodernism takes modernism’s skepticism further:
They become ____________ of science and technology. They deny ______ worldviews. They claim all worldviews offer ___________ truth about the world.
Postmodernism Seven Assumptions Postmodernism rests on:
1. Reject that __________truth can be known 2. Reject ”________” that applies everywhere at all times 3. Reject that we can be _________ in our knowledge.
Postmodernism 4. Reject any modernist __________ that tries to explain everything in the world and claim universally valid, neutral, objective knowledge. 5. Rejects the idea of “______” or at least our ability to gain a God’s-eye view of the world. 6. Rejects the idea that we can design institutions that would make ___________decisions based on reason. 7. Reject the notion that any person can be “__________”
Postmodernism Postmodernists deny truth can be __________ or ___________. Any attempt to guide people to the truth is __________. They deny the Truth found in the Scriptures.
Postmodernism Two controlling ideas: Nihilism and Sophism
Nihilism – the idea that worldly and human existence have no meaning, purpose, or essential value Sophism – a philosophy that held skeptical views of truth, knowledge, and morality
Postmodernism Friedrich Nietzsche, German Philosopher in the 1800s, abandoned Christianity in his youth. Nietzsche famously said “God is dead” Nietzsche saw __________ in God as dead and there is no more of a need for it.
Postmodernism For the postmodernist, __________ best describes the human experience. This happens through what is called “structuralism” According to “structuralism,” human knowledge is merely a product of language. Ex. People in a rain-forest climate, or Eskimos
Postmodernism Deconstruction undid much of what the postmodernist sought after. Deconstructionism is skeptical about if language can accurately represent reality adequately. So the postmodernist will question the language of the Bible and deconstruct it.
Postmodernism Skepticism dominates postmodern thought
Secularism said that science was the only reasonable way to knowledge Postmodernists say even _________ cannot bring about knowledge.
Postmodernism Postmodernists also are skeptical of any truth claims.
If one cannot know something, then truth cannot be found in it. They reject the claims of Christ as truth claims.
Postmodernism Richard Rorty, a proponent of Postmodern thought, argues for abandoning the search for truth for pragmatism. Pragmatism – the belief that propositions do not mirror reality and should therefore be treated as tools and judged only by their consequences.
Postmodernism 3 Questions the Postmodernists cannot answer:
1. How can you know anything if truth is unattainable? 2. If community decides what is true through its use of language, then who decides what is true and not true? 3. Who determines meaning?
Postmodernism Postmodernism’s influence on Christianity:
1. Deconstructionism 2. Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation)
Summary Conclusion Postmodernism:
1. Skeptical about reason and science as ways for attaining truth 2. Rejects all metanarratives 3. Relies on language to construct meaning and truth.
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