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Animal Adaptations.

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1 Animal Adaptations

2 Presentation Cues No one wants to listen to the teacher the whole time;) Volunteer/Class Discussion – quick answer from raised hand (remember/understand) Pair/share – quick chat with neighbor and volunteer or teacher pick share (remember/understand/apply) Group task – longer time for pair or group to apply, analyze, evaluate or create Individual write – personal reflection on topic Rotations – solve the station with group and write answer on paper, rotate with timer and stay with your group 5?Quiz – quick check for understanding about topic

3 Today we will explore animal adaptations…
SCIENCE NEED TODAY Day 1 Animal adaptations and behaviors

TODAY WE WILL… Explore mechanism for development of animal behaviors and adaptations through notes, videos and discussion. I’ll KNOW I HAVE IT WHEN…. I can describe how animals developed their behaviors and adaptations. I will NEED… NOTEBOOK PENCIL ELECTRONICS Away!!! I will TURN IN… NOTHING

5 Animal learning for today…

6 For what reasons do each of the animals have their coloring?

7 POISON WARNING: Small poisonous animals brightly colored to warn predators “If you eat me, we both die!”

8 Gross and Not Poisonous
MIMICRY: Some animals develop same coloring/activities as others to seem scarier (original imposters!) Gross and Not Poisonous Gross AND Poisonous

9 CAMOUFLAGE: Predators can be sneaky Prey can hide Mothers can care for young

10 CAMOUFLAGE: Predators can be sneaky Prey can hide Mothers can care for young

11 PATTERNS: Disruptive coloring breaks silhouette, tricks eye

12 PATTERNS: Disruptive coloring breaks silhouette, tricks eye

13 PATTERNS: Disruptive coloring breaks silhouette, tricks eye

14 PATTERNS: Disruptive coloring breaks silhouette, tricks eye

15 PATTERNS: Disruptive coloring breaks silhouette, tricks eye

16 SEXUAL SELECTION: Vibrant males attract females… Plain females and babies camouflaged

17 SEXUAL SELECTION: Vibrant males attract females… Plain females and babies camouflaged

18 SEXUAL SELECTION: Vibrant males attract females… Plain females and babies camouflaged

19 SEXUAL SELECTION: Vibrant males attract females… Plain females and babies camouflaged

20 Courtship Rituals Animals have a lot of ways to attract a mate
Birds of Paradise: Bactrian Camel Peacock

21 How do animals get energy?

22 How do animals STORE energy?
FAT (ENERGY) STORAGE Animals store energy in fat to survive periods between meals Since our ancestors and wild animals don’t have grocery store! Floppy hump = hungry camel!

23 How do animals expend (USE) energy?

24 What happens when environment changes?
Die Hibernate Conserve energy Migrate Find more food Stay and survive Specialized adaptations

25 Response to Environment
Die out when environment conditions change

26 Response to Environment
HIBERNATION Body temperature and breathing rate dramatically reduce to conserve energy like “standby” mode

27 Response to Environment
MIGRATION Movement of animals to different region because too much energy is required to stay

28 Salmon Salmon Spawning Fish Ladders Salmon Canon
Fish Ladders Salmon Canon


30 Response to Environment
Specialized adaptations Fur & skin Wings, legs, fins Teeth & Claws Special eyes Fat Storage

31 Little insulation Lots of insulation Prarie camo Arctic camo
SNOWY OWL BARN OWL Lots of insulation Arctic camo Wide talons Forward (predator) eyes Little insulation Prarie camo Lean talons Forward (predator) eyes

32 Thin fur Thick fur Prarie camo Arctic camo Wide feet Narrow feet
Snowshoe Hare Typical Rabbit Thick fur Arctic camo Wide feet Side (prey) eyes Thin fur Prarie camo Narrow feet Side (prey) eyes

33 What traits of animals could change over 100 generations (not long)?
Color Beaks Ears Feet/Claws

34 Darwin’s Finches Finch Beaks – need right tool for the job
Suited for their diets Woodpecker – eats grubs from trees Long pointy beak Cactus – picks flesh from cactus Vegetarian – eats fruits from trees Curved beak Ground finch – eats seeds Large beak

35 Darwin’s Finches

36 Animal Adaptations HOMEOSTASIS

37 Animal Adaptation HOMEOSTASIS
Animals have the ability to regulate their internal environment: “Cold-blooded” have environment temp “Warm-Blooded” maintain temp by using energy

38 Animal Adaptation HOMEOSTASIS
Animals have the ability to regulate their internal environment: Salmon are born in fresh, live in salt and return to fresh Regulate the salt content of their cells between ocean and fresh water

39 Animal Adaptation HOMEOSTASIS
Animals have the ability to regulate their internal environment: Warm-blooded animals RELEASE body heat by SWEATING and PANTING


41 Animal Adaptation HOMEOSTASIS
Animals have the ability to regulate their internal environment: Warm-blooded animals MAINTAIN body heat with GOOSEBUMPS and SHIVERING!

42 Animal Adaptation GOOSEBUMPS TRAP HEAT!

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