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Dorsum of the foot Extensor digitorum brevis muscle: originates at the calcaneus and divides into three muscle bellies whose tendons insert at the dorsal.

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Presentation on theme: "Dorsum of the foot Extensor digitorum brevis muscle: originates at the calcaneus and divides into three muscle bellies whose tendons insert at the dorsal."— Presentation transcript:

1 dorsum of the foot Extensor digitorum brevis muscle: originates at the calcaneus and divides into three muscle bellies whose tendons insert at the dorsal aponeurosis and the middle phalanges of the second to fourth toes. Extensor hallucis brevis muscle

2 Artery of the dorsum of the foot
Dorsalis pedis artery Branches: 1- Lateral tarsal branch. 2- Medial tarsal branch 3- Arcuate artery 4-The first dorsal metatarsal artery. 5-Deep planter art.

3 Sole of the foot Deep fascia (planter fascia) Planter aponeurosis

4 compartments of the sole
first layer ( most superficial layers) contains 3 muscles: ,abductor hallucis  ,flexor digitorum brevis (FDB)  ,bductor digiti minimi 2nd layer contains   2 Muscles and 2 tendonand Neurovascular structures medial and lateral plantar arteries

5 3- 3rd layer contains 3 muscles
4th layer contains 2 muscles and   2 Tendons

6 Arteries of the sole of the foot
The medial planter artery Lateral planter arteryThe planter arch :

7 The planter arch It is formed from the lateral planter artery, the arch completed medially by its union with the deep planter branch of the dorsalis pedis artery. The arch gives: four planter metatarsal s. The proper digital artery to the lateral side of the little. Each planter metatarsal artery gives perforating branches which passes through the interosseous space anastomosed with the corresponding branch of the dorsal metatarsal artery. .gives off numerous muscular

8 The medial and lateral planter nerve
medial planter .n gives: muscular branches 2- articular branches 3- planter cutaneous

9 The knee joint It is a synovial joint of the hinge type, it is unstable joint but this overcome by certain mechanism: 1- expansion of the upper end of the tibia and lower end of the femur. 2- Presence of the strong collateral ligament and tendons. 3- Strong capsule. 4- Presence of the intra-articular ligaments.


11 Ankle joint This is a hinge type of joint between the trochlea of the talus with the distal end of the tibia and medial malleolus medially and the lateral surface of the body of the talus with the lateral malleolus laterally

12 Ankle joint

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