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23-1 The Road to WWI “The war to end all wars.”.

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1 23-1 The Road to WWI “The war to end all wars.”

2 Before WWI 1871, unified Germany is most powerful state
Feeling that France wanted to create anti-German alliance, Bismarck joins Austria-Hungary (1879) Italy joins them (1882) Creates Triple Alliance Bismarck signs treaty w/Russia to remain in good terms. Also tried to remain on good terms w/G. Britain

3 New Directions: William II
1888, Emperor William II comes to power 1890, he fires Bismarck and takes control of Germany’s foreign policy. Wanted to make Germany a World Power He drops the treaty w/Russia France will make an alliance w/Russia Now Germany had a hostile power on either sides G. Britain joins Russia and France = Triple Entente


5 Problems in the Balkans
19th century, Ottoman Empire is weakening Most of Balkan provinces gaining freedom Greece, Serbia, Romania, and Montenegro (indp.) Bulgaria not totally idep. (under protection of Russia) Bosnia + Herzegovina (under protection of A.H.) A.H. decides to annex Bosnia + Herz Serbia gets mad; wanted to create a Serbian kingdom w/Slav people (need Bosnia + Herz)

6 Problems in the Balkans
Russia supports the Slavs Serbs prepare for war against A.H. William II demands that Russia accept the annexation or face war w/Germany Russia is weak right now (just lost a war against Japan), so they back down, but are determined to fight back in the event of another confrontation w/A.H or Germany (1912, 1913)

7 Causes to WWI Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Militarism
Triple Alliance Triple Entente Imperialism Rivalries b/w countries for control of other countries Nationalism Some ethnic groups wanted to become a nation; Slavic[Austria], Irish [G. Britain], + Poles [Russia] Militarism Growth of mass armies created tension

8 The Outbreak of War Serbia (supported by Russia) wanted to create an indep. Slavic state in Balkans Austria-H (had Slavic minority in their country) wanted to stop that Archduke Francis Ferdinand was visiting Bosnia w/his wife and they get murdered (June 28, 1914)

9 Austria-H responses A.H. didn’t know if Serbian gov’t was involved in the shooting, but they didn’t care A.H. wanted to attack Serbia but were afraid of Russia AH asked and received support from Germany July 28, 1914, A.H. declares war on Serbia

10 Russia Mobilizes Russians ready to support Serbia
July 28, Czar Nicholas II ordered mobilization of army against A.H. and Germany Mobilization is considered an act of war

11 The Conflict Broadens Germany demands that Russia stop it’s mobilization; Russia ignores them Germany declares war on Russia (Aug. 1) Germany’s plan: Schlieffen Plan two-front war vs. Russia + France (divide army) Attack France by going through Neutral Belgium Once France is out, take full army vs. Russia G. Britain mad at Germany for invading neutral country, so they declare war on them The Great War has started (Aug. 4)


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