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DHH progress report Igor Konorov TUM, Physics Department, E18

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1 DHH progress report Igor Konorov TUM, Physics Department, E18
7-th International Work Shop on DEPFET detectors and applications Ringberg –May 8-11, 2011 Outline: DHH architecture DHH prototype Summary and outlook

2 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM
DHH interfaces FTSW DHH Controller Timing JTAG Copper Timing JTAG Optical PXD DAQ DHP GCK, FCK TRG, RST DHH JTAG DATA(3:0) DATA(3:0) Optical Copper 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM

3 DHH prototype development
Objectives Full readout chain test 4xDHP ATCA DAQ Belle Trigger Distribution system Slow control, JTAG Lab setup support Ethernet JTAG Firmware development Finalize DHH functionality 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM

4 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM
DHP – DHH interface To DHP GCK (LVDS/2.5V) – 3/20 of MHz = MHz FCK (LVDS/2.5V) – Frame clock about 50 kHz TRG (LVDS/2.5V) RST (LVDS/2.5V) From DHP DATA (0 : 1.6 Gb/s 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM

5 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM
DHH prototype module I/O isolation DC/DC converter up to 1500 V FPGA: Virtex6VLX75T 128 MB DDR2 memory for soft core CPU SODIMM socket Clustering ASIC 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM

6 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM
DHH prototype module 3x RJ45 Ethernet Timing (Belle) JTAG (Belle) 2xSFP+ for DAQ interfaces 2x6Gb/s SFP+ SFP for DHH controller interface 2xInfiniband 4x connectors for DHP 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM

7 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM
Infiniband cables Infiniband cable 4x: Gb/s 8 differential pairs 1% crosstalk radiation hardness ? 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM

8 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM
DHP interface Infiniband connector I GCK, FCK, TRG, RST DATA(3:0) Infiniband connector II JTAG LVDS 4 pairs free for future 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM

9 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM
New requirements SODIMM connector for clustering ASIC Remote control of DHP JTAG IO power Switch of power of JTAG signals when DHP is not powered Support of DCD monitor signal ? Extra connectors for existing DHP test setup SMT high speed serial links General purpose LVDS signals 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM

10 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM
DHH status Schematic in progress Complete Power, Serial links, Flash interfaces, clock jitter cleaner New requirements to be implemented Plans Finalize schematic in collaboration with Bonn in order to start production in end of June Remark Project is delayed by 4 month but no impact on overall schedule 7-th Int WS on DEPFET detectors and applications И.Коноров, TUM

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