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TileCal upgrade EVO meeting Demonstrator tesks

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1 TileCal upgrade EVO meeting Demonstrator tesks

2 Task list Drawer mechanics Mini/Standard C-F (Cooling included)
HVPS + dividers C-F LVPS Argonne FEB 3-in-1 Chicago FE-ASIC C-F QIE Argonne MainBoard/DaughterBoard Chicago-Stockholm + C-F (MB-2) and Argonne (MB-3) Fiber installation ? Off detector electronics/firmware Valencia-LIP-Stockholm Moby Dick 4 Brasil, C-F, Dubna, LIP, Prague, Stockholm, UTA, Valencia Bld-175 test&integration facility Brasil, CERN, C-F, Dubna, LIP, Prague, Protvino,Stockholm, UTA, Valencia Services (Cables, fibers) C-F + others New drawer installation procedures C-F + others (Tooling included) Software Rio DCS C-F (HT and Laser), other parts? PMT blocks/mixer use existing Dubna, Jerevan, Prague There is an early version of a MS-project task description

3 We must group the tasks to limit interactions
FEB 3-in-1 Chicago FE-ASIC C-F QIE Argonne MainBoard/DaughterBoard Chicago-Stockholm + C-F (MB-2) and Argonne (MB-3) Off detector electronics/firmware Valencia-LIP-Stockholm HVPS + dividers C-F LVPS Argonne Moby Dick 4 Brasil, C-F, Dubna, LIP, Prague, Stockholm, UTA, Valencia Bld-175 test&integration facility Brasil, CERN, C-F, Dubna, LIP, Prague, Protvino,Stockholm,UTA, Valencia Drawer mechanics Mini/Standard C-F (Cooling included) Services (Cables, fibers) C-F + others New drawer installation procedures C-F + others (Tooling included) Software Rio DCS C-F (HT and Laser), other parts? PMT blocks/mixer use existing Dubna, Jerevan, Prague Fiber installation ?

4 The relationship between the different FEB projects
The first MainBoard and its Processing DaughterBoard will be developed for 3-in-1, but keeping the FE-ASIC and QIE needs in mind to spin off MB-2 (for FE-ASIC) and MB-3 (for QIE) (Francois’ table) DB should be the same This would make the firm- and software developed for 3-in-1 available to the other FEB projects, thus reducing the effect of the later schedules FPGA evaluation boards can be used in anticipation of final off detector solution

5 The relationship between the HV, LV and mechanics
Make the electronics systems compatible with the mini-drawer partitioning Keep the present mounting hole positions …. This will allow the electronics to be developed using present drawer, moving to mini-drawers if and when they are available

6 The relationship between HV and LV subtasks
Apart from DCS HV and LV parts can develop independently until a late stage of integration LV subtasks can use present HV until the new version is available Standard power supplies can be used for HV and LV during the development phase, but should be made compatible with later solution

7 FEB Milestones 3-in-1 alternative Feasibility tests Done
FEBoard design Done FEBoard functional tests Done FEBoard radiation tests Done Prototype design of MB, DB Q3-11 MB, DB prototype tests Q4-11 Design of MB,DB Q1-12 MB, DB functional tests Q2-12 MB, DB radiation tests Q2-12 System tests in Bld 175 Q3-12 Tests in test beam Q3-14 QIE alternative Feasibility tests Done Submission of final chip Q1-12 FEBoard design & manufacturing Q3-12 FEBoard functional tests Q3-12 FEBoard radiation tests Q4-12 Design of MB-3 Q2-12 MB-3, DB functional tests Q4-12 System tests in Bld 175 Q4-12 Tests in test beam Q3-14 FE-ASIC alternative Feasibility tests Done Design ASIC FATALIC 1 & 2 in IBM 130 nm Done Test FATALIC1 & C-F Done Test FATALIC2 in Bld Q3-11 Design FATALIC3 Q4-11 Test C-F Q2-12 3in1 prototype design Q4-11 3in1 prototype tests at C-F Q1-12 Prototype design of MB-2 (similarto3-in-1 DB) Q4-11 MB-2 prototype tests at C-F Q2-12 System tests in Bld Q3/Q4-12 Design of FATALIC4 (ADC) Q2-12 FATALIC4 tests at C-F Q4-12 Radiation tests Q1/Q2-13 Final designs for production Q3-13 Tests in test beam Q3-14 Comments: Depending from the true upgrade schedule, the above “final” design could be reviewed a new time if more time is available.

8 LVPS, HVPS and divider Milestones
Voltage specifications Q3-11 Demonstrator prototype design Q2-12 Tests Q2-12 System tests in Bld 175 Q3-12 Design of demonstrator prod. Version Q4-12 Tests Q1-13 Comments: Start from present design 20v? One neg voltage (-5 and/or -15)? How sensitive to voltage level noise? Special design using discrete compoents of negative regulators. HVPS Prototype design in USA done Prototype tests done Tests in Bld Q3-12 Decision point on the final option Q1-13 Tests in test beam Q3-14 Comments: There are 6 options (Half on the drawers, half in USA15). For the demonstrator in Bld 175, the option is this one having the regulation in USA15, starting from the present ATLAS design, but with the HV source and LV power supplies embedded. That does not prejudge what will be the final choice. New divider Prototype design done Prototype tests done Design of production version done Test bench for production done Radiation tests Q1/Q2-12 Tests in Bld Q3-12 Tests in test beam Q3-14 Comments: The decision of using these new dividers is strongly connected to physics goals.

9 Mechanics related Milestones
Mini-drawer alternative Feasibility tests (Sliding validation) Done Prototype design (cooling included) Q1-12 Initial tests Q2-12 Tests in Bld 175 Q3-12 Decision point Q1-13 Design of production version Q3-13 Tests in test beam Q3-14 Comments: This study must take into account from the very beginning of the special cases corresponding to Tilecal modules with different drawer accesses. The cooling requests are depending from the FE options. Services Collection of specifications Q3-11 Prototype design Q2-12 Tests in Bld Q3-12 Design of production version Q3-13 Tests in test beam Q3-14 Comments: The services are fully depending from: the choice of the FE option, the choice of standard or mini drawers, the choice of the DCS links. Moreover, the study must take into account from the very beginning of the special cases corresponding to Tilecal modules with different drawer accesses.C-F could contribute to these studies, but not alone. New drawer installation procedures

10 Remaining subtasks Moby Dick 4 Q3-12
Bld-175 test&integration facility Be prepared when tests are needed Software Connected with test bench development DCS Connected with test bench development PMT blocks/mixer Use existing components, compensate missing units Fiber installation Direct path??

11 Test benches PC Adapter- board
ADC HiTechGlobal FPGA board Off detector electronics ML605 On detector logic 3-in-1 FE board ATCA 100 m fiber PCI-e DAQ TTC A system slice model was assembled for developing the upgrade firmware using a combination of dedicated hardware and of the shelf FPGA modules. This allows developing firmware and also software in parallel with the hardware instead of doing it after the hardware development is finished. The aim is to gradually replace the model parts with prototype solutions and later with production parts while adapting the firmware successively to the updated hardware. It will also help to provide test procedures for the evolving system

12 Test benches Firmware and especially software for a more final system:
Can be developed on a reduced system:

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