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ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY MKS

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Presentation on theme: "ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY MKS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerator Module Test Facility (AMTF) operation completed: results and lessons learned
ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY MKS presenting the work of many colleagues: IFJ-PAN (Poland) WUT(Poland),BINP(Russia), Linde/Cofely and several DESY groups How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (55 pt) Lower area (subtitle): Conference/meeting/workshop, location, date, your name and affiliation, max. 4 rows of the defined size (32 pt) Change the partner logos or add others in the last row. ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

2 AMTF - purpose & objectives (TDR) AMTF – layout
Outline AMTF - purpose & objectives (TDR) AMTF – layout AMTF- main cryogenic components Test results for XFEL cavities & modules Conclusion ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

3 AMTF: purpose & objectives (TDR)
- Complete cold performance test of all XFEL cryomodules before tunnel installation (RF, vacuum,cryo-losses) 103 cryomodules, rate: 1/week - Cold RF test of all XFEL superconducting cavities before cryomodule assembly 824 cavities, rate 6/week Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

4 AMTF layout (TDR) 84m x 48m Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View Three test benches (XATB1, XATB2 and XATB3) for testing assembled modules and for high power tests of assembled cavities Two test cryostats (XATC1 and XATC2) for RF performance tests of the cavities (One magnet test stand XMTS (located in the Magnet Test Hall Building 55) for testing magnets) ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

5 AMTF Hall – cavity and cryomodule areas
Vertical Cryostat Cryomodule test stand Cryomodule test stand – module inside Cavity preparation area Unloading of the cryomodule after transport Cryomodule preparation area ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

6 AMTF – cryogenics contributions
Red = WUT Wroclaw University of Technology -> Kriosystem Blue = DESY MKS Acting for XFEL company (no in-kind !) -> DEMACO Green= BINP Budker Institute Novosibirsk ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

7 Results summary (Status January 2016)
ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

8 Results summary (Status March 2016)
Testing rate limitation due to cryomodule delivery Simplification of the test procedure Leakages on some cryomodules Near all results above XFEL specs MV/m Q0 is above XFEL specs 1010 at 23.6 MV/m Commissioning of two other test benches ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

9 Cooperation between DESY groups and operating team (IFJ-PAN)
9 Cooperation between DESY groups and operating team (IFJ-PAN) The AMTF test operation is part of the polish in-kind contribution (IFJ-PAN) Cooperation between involved DESY teams and IFJ-PAN experts is very successful! Lessons learned: Exercising on prototype module was very important for practical operation experience as well as for the developing of test procedures It took a couple of years to train the corresponding team Cooperation between different teams is extremely important for the successful AMTF operation ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

10 Lessons learned Near all components were delivered and installed “just-in-time” No dedicated time for de-bugging of cryo-supply (and other systems) XATCs capacities exceed the design value by factor 2 General efforts for installation & commissioning for all components is underestimated 1.5 cryomodule test/week is reached (i.e. original design for operation with two test benches is achieved) We are typically “in budget” We were almost always “in time” at the beginning. Presently, we are limited by cryomodule delivery rate Cooperation between DESY team experts and operating team (IFJ-PAN) is crucial for the successful operation of AMTF! ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

11 AMTF fulfilled its design goals!
Conclusion AMTF fulfilled its design goals! We are in-line with schedule and budget for XFEL project ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

12 Thank you for your attention !
ICEC/IMC 2016 Sergiy Putselyk DESY

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