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The NSP Development Process

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Presentation on theme: "The NSP Development Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 The NSP Development Process
Presentation for Yezingane Network, July 27th

2 NSP 2012-2016 What are we developing? How are we developing it?
The strengthening of SANAC

3 What are we developing? A five year plan On HIV, TB and STIs
Located in a longer term vision that aims at elimination of infections, deaths and stigma But sets out shorter term objectives and targets To be decided Setting our priority activities/interventions that are agreed nationally But implemented provincially And by sectors And by government departments That is costed and budgeted for

4 Process and timeframes
Early August: First draft for public discussion August 12th: SANAC Plenary, Free State Late August: National Summits on key intervention areas of the NSP Sector summits Processing of comments and submissions by Technical Task teams & final drafting team 27 September: submit revised version to PIC 7 October: SANAC plenary Rest of October: finalisation of NSP Publication of version 2 of NSP Publication of 9 Provincial Strategic Operational plans 1 December, Launch on World AIDS day

5 Whither SANAC? Identify strengths & weaknesses
Parallel process of strengthening because SANAC vital to implementation, oversight & mobilisation What are we strengthening? Understand SANAC as a network (of PCAs and LACs) that will take time to build ie., is not ready made on day 1 of NSP Process Proposed by Deputy President To be completed by 1 December 2011

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