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Muscles Continued Pages: 190-194.

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1 Muscles Continued Pages:

2 Skeletal Muscle Action
Dependent mostly on the kind of join it is associated with and the way the muscles attaches on either side of that joint. Origin: Immovable end of a muscle Insertion: Movable end of a muscle During contraction, insertion is pulled towards origin Some muscles have more than one origin or insertion Ex. Biceps brachii

3 Interaction of Skeletal Muscles
Almost always function in groups Prime Mover: Provides most movement Synergists: Muscles that contract and assist the prime mover Antagonists: Resist a prime mover’s action and causes movement in the opposite direction.

4 Major Skeletal Muscles
Name of muscle is often describes the muscles: Relative size Shape Location Action Number of attachments Direction of its fibers Examples: Pectoralis Major-of large size located in the pectoral region, Deltoid: shaped like a delta or triangle, Extensor digitorum: extends the digits

5 Muscles of Facial Expression
Responsible for expressions of surprise, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and pain Include: Epicranius Composed of two parts: Frontalis and Occipitalis Orbicularis oculi Buccinator Zygomaticus Platysma

6 Muscles of Mastication
Attached to mandible and produce chewing movements Include: Masseter Temporalis

7 Muscles That Move the Head
Flex, extend and rotate Include: Sternocleidomastoid Splenius capitis Semispinalis capitis

8 Action Origin Insertion
Please use table 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5 to fill out your AOI word document.

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