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Presentation on theme: "KEYSTONE EXAM TIPS & TRICKS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Basic Tips Make sure you are on the right problem. If you skip a problem, make sure you skip a line in your bubble sheet. Make sure you read all the multiple choice options before choosing an answer. You might have an “ok” answer, but not the best answer.

3 Basic Tips #2 You will not know the answer to every question. However, you all know more than enough to pass!! This is called “proficient.” “Proficient” does not mean getting 70% correct like in class. (The percent of questions you have to get right varies, but it is much less than 70%.) If you somehow do get every question right, men in white coats will kidnap you and take you to NASA to design rockets (at least that’s the rumor.)

4 “There’s more than one way to the right answer…”
Draw a picture Plug the multiple-choice answers back in to the problem. Estimate! Use common sense to rule out some answers. When all else fails… guess! Do not leave any items blank!

5 Open Response You get credit just for trying these – even if you get it wrong. Make sure you have something written down, even if you don’t know how to finish the problem. Write down all your steps – if you did a step in your calculator, write it out in the space provided.

6 How will this affect my grade?
Your Keystones score does not affect your classroom grade. It may appear on your report card next year. You may need a passing score in order to graduate.

7 What’s the worst that could happen?
If you don’t score “Proficient” or above you will simply have to re-take the test next year (probably in October.) Is this a drag? Sure… is it the end of the world? No!

8 Any Questions?


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