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Les’t see a movie! Discussing movies. A good read Books and magazines.

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1 Les’t see a movie! Discussing movies. A good read Books and magazines.
Unit 8: Entertainment Les’t see a movie! Discussing movies. A good read Books and magazines.

2 A. Let’s see a movie (activity 1-2)
Magnificent: causing admiration Vertigo: a feeling that everything is spinning around, causing you to lose your balance and fall. Masterpiece: an artist’s greatest work. Epic: a movie that is long and filled with action. Drama: a serious story or movie Odyssey: a long trip to search for something. Clever: creative and original. Heartwarming: causing happiness Silly: not serious. Thrilling: very exciting

3 Violent: having rough action or strong emotion
Classic: a well-known film which is of high quality and lasting value Science fiction: fiction about science and its effects, most often set in the future. Horror: a type of frightening or shocking story or movie Animation: movies made from drawings done by hand or computer Action: a story or movie filled with exciting events Currently: at the present time To recommend: to advise to do something

4 Topics for discussing Is recreation an indispensable part of our life?
Who is your favorite film star? Why film is not prospering as it ever had? Is film a mere form of entertainment? What types of movies do you like most and least, why? How do the retired entertain themselves?

5 Listening activities Hear how people describing their favorite movies. You should listen for the words each speaker uses to describe the film. Look at the movie posters in Activity 1A and to classify them according to the categories in the chart in Activity 2A.

6 Topics for debate Do you think those grand casinos in Marco should be banned? State your reasons why you are in favor of or against the ban. During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. Casinos: a place where people try to win money by playing card games or roulette轮盘赌: Doesn’t the club have a casino upstairs?

7 B. A Good Read Activity 1 Do you think reading is a good form of entertainment? Why? What magazines do you like to read? What kinds of articles do you enjoy? Talk about your favorite types of magazines.

8 Activity 2 Vocabulary Section: a part
Reference: a bookstore or library section for books of facts such as dictionaries. Mystery: fiction about solving crimes or strange puzzles. Dream house: the house that would be perfect for you. Volcano: a mountain with a hole in the top through which hot liquid rock, gases, and steam are forced out. Atlas: a book of maps. Vitamin: any of a group of substances that are necessary for good health Murder: the crime of intentionally killing a person Monster: any imaginary, frightening creature.

9 What do you know about a bookstore?
How many names of the sections do you often find in a bookstore? Where would each book corresponding the requirement in the textbook be found?

10 Topics for discussion What was your favorite story as a child?
What is the best book you’ve ever read?

11 Assignment Visit a bookstore in Longyan. Go with a notebook and write down the names of all the sections throughout the store—in English. Interview a staff member of a newspaper and and try to find out when and why the newspaper was started, how many people read it, and what kinds of articles they print. Then report to the class.

12 Thank You All

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