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Presentation on theme: "MIDDLE WARE TECHNOLOGIES"— Presentation transcript:

B.TECH III YR II SEMESTER UNIT 3 PPT SLIDES TEXT BOOKS: 1.Client/Server programming with Java and CORBA Robert Orfali and Dan Harkey, John Wiley & Sons,SPD 2nd Edition 2. Java programming with CORBA 3rd Edition, G.Brose, A Vogel and K.Duddy, Wiley-dreamtech, India John wiley and sons

INTRODUCING C# AND .NET L L1. 1 TO L1.4 L L2.1 To L2.4 2. UNDERSTANDIG . NET L L3. 1 TO L3.4 L L4. 1 TO L4.4 3. OOP WITH C# L L5. 1 TO L5.4 L L6. 1 TO L6.6 4. CALL BACK INTERFACES L L7. 1 TO L7.6 5. DELEGATES, L L8. 1 TO L8.6 6.EVENTS L L9. 1 TO L9.6 7. REVISION L L10. 1 TO L10.6

3 UNIT3 SYLLABUS Introduction C# and the NET Platform: Understanding. Net Assemblies; Object-Oriented Programming with C#; Callback Interfaces, Delegated, and Events Lecture 1 slide 2

4 Introducing c# and the .net platform
C/Win 32 API Programmer: C is a very terse language – manual memory management, ugly pointer arithmetic and ugly syntactical constructs; C is a structured language and lacks the benefits of O-O approach. Combined with the thousands of global functions and data types defined by the raw Win 32 API to an already formidable language, many buggy apps. float around today. Lecture 1 slide 1

5 Introducing c# and the .net platform
C++ / MFC Programmer: C++ is an O-O language built in top of C and at the mercy of the painful aspects – manual memory management, ugly operator arithmetic and ugly syntactical constructs. Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) wraps a “sane subset” of the raw Win32 API behind a no. of classes, magic macros and numerous code wizards (App Wizard, Class Wizard etc). C++ Programming remains a difficult and error-prone experience. Lecture 1 slide 2

6 Introducing c# and the .net platform
VB 6.0 Programmer: Ability to build complex user interfaces, code libraries (ex. COM servers) and data access logic with minimum fuss and bother. Also hides the complexities of the raw Win32 API from view, using a no. of integrated code wizards, intrinsic data types, classes and VB-centric functions. Downfall of VB – not a fully O-O language; but rather “Object-aware”. No “is-a” relationship between types (i.e. no inheritance ); no support for parameterized class construction; no support for multi-threaded apps. Lecture 1 slide 3

7 Introducing c# and the .net platform
Java/J2EE Programmer: Completely O-O; Syntactic roots in C++; large no. of predefined “Packages” containing various class and interface definitions. “100% pure Java” apps can be built complete with database connectivity, messaging support, Web-enabled front ends, and a rich user interface. Potential problem – little hope of language independence – Java used front-to-back during the development cycle. Also not appropriate for graphical or numerically intensive apps. (ex. 3D-Video game). Lecture 1 slide 4

8 Introducing c# and the .net platform
COM Programmer: Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM) – architecture that enables reuse of binary code. COM server – language-independent. C++ Programs can build COM classes that can be used by VB; Delphi programmers can use COM classes built using C, etc. However, there is no support for inheritance. Another benefit of COM is location transparency . Using constructs such as app identifiers (APP IDs) stubs, proxies and the COM runtime environment, programmers can avoid the need to work with raw sockets, RPC calls, and other low-level details. Lecture 1 slide 5

9 Introducing c# and the .net platform
COM Programmer: COM is a dominant object model, but is extremely complex under the hood. Active Template Library (ATL) eases the complexity somewhat. Fragile registration entries, numerous deployment related issues have to be contended with. Lecture 2lide 1

10 Introducing c# and the .net platform
Windows DNA Programmer: Building a complete web app using classic Windows DNA (Distributed internet Architecture) is also very complex. Complexity is due to the fact that DNA requires the use of numerous technologies and languages such as ASP, HTML, XML, JavaScript, VBScript, COM+, ADO etc. Syntactically different, for ex., JavaScript has a syntax much like C, VBScript is a subset of VB. Each language and/or technology has its own type system – for ex., “int” in JavaScript is not the same as “int” in C, which is different from an “Integer” in VB. Lecture 2 slide 2

11 Introducing c# and the .net platform
The .NET Solution – Core features: Full interoperability with existing Win32 Code – Existing COM binaries can inter-op with newer .NET binaries and vice versa. PInvoke (PlatfromInvocation) allows you to invoke raw C-based functions (such as the Win32 API) from managed code. Complete and total language integration – Unlike classic COM, .NET supports cross-language inheritance, cross-language exception handling, and cross-language debugging. A common runtime engine shared by all .NET-aware languages – A well-defined set of types that each .NET-aware language “understands”. A base class library – that provides shelter from the complexities of raw API calls, and offers a consistent object model used by all .NET-aware languages. Lecture 2 slide 3

12 Introducing c# and the .net platform
No more COM plumbing – IClassFactory, Iunknown, Idispatch, IDLCode, and the evil VARIANT – Compliant data types (BSTR, SAFEARRAY etc.) have been dropped in .NET binary. A truly simplified deployment model – No need to register a binary unit into the System registry. Also the .NET runtime allows multiple versions of the same *.dll to exist in harmony on a single machine (“side-by-side execution”). Lecture 2 slide 4

13 Introducing c# and the .net platform
The building blocks of the .NET platform: CLR - .NET is a new runtime environment and a common base class library. The runtime layer is referred to as Common Language Runtime (CLR). CLR’s primary role is to locate, load and manage .NET types on your behalf. It also takes care of a number of low-level details such as automatic memory management, language integration and ensuring type safety. Lecture 2 slide 5

14 Introducing c# and the .net platform
CTS (Common Type System) – fully describes all possible data types and programming constructs supported by the runtime, specifies how these entities can interact with each other and details how they are represented in the .NET metadata format. CLS (Common Language Specification) – is a set of rules that define a subset of a common types and programming constructs that all .NET programming languages can agree on. Lecture 3 slide 1

15 Understanding .NET Assemblies
A .NET assembly consists of five major elements: 1. A standard Windows file header 2. A CLR header that marks the file as a managed module 3. CIL Code 4. Type metadata 5. The assembly manifest Lecture 3 slide 2

16 Understanding .NET Assemblies
Core Benefits 1. Assemblies promote code reuse. 2. Assemblies establish a type boundary. 3. Assemblies are versionable and self-describing entities. 4. Assemblies define a security context. 5. Assemblies enable side-by-side execution. Lecture 3 slide 3

17 Understanding .NET Assemblies
Single File Assemblies – contain all the necessary CIL, metadata and associated manifest in an autonomous, single, well-defined package. Multi-file assemblies – are composed of numerous .NET binaries, each of which is termed a module. When building a multi-file assembly, one of these modules (termed the primary module) must contain the assembly manifest and possibly CIL instructions and metadata for various types. The other related modules contain a module level manifest, CIL and type metadata. The primary module documents the set of required secondary modules within the assembly manifest. Lecture 3 slide 4

18 Understanding .NET Assemblies
Note: Partitioning an assembly into discrete modules provides a more flexible deployment option. Ex: if a user is referencing a remote assembly that needs to be downloaded into his machine, the runtime will only download the required modules. Thus, an assembly is a logical grouping of one or more related modules that are intended to be deployed and versioned as a single unit. Lecture 4 slide 1

19 Understanding .NET Assemblies
Role of CIL: CIL is a language that sits above any particular platform-specific instruction set. Regardless of which .NET – aware language you choose, (C#, VB .NET, Eiffel .NET, and so forth); the associated compiler emits CIL instructions. Lecture 4 slide 2

20 Understanding .NET Assemblies
Benefits of CIL: Language integration – Each .NET-aware language produces the same underlying CIL. Therefore, all languages are able to interact within a well-defined binary arena. Platform agnostic – the .NET runtime is poised to become a platform-independent architecture, providing the same benefits as Java. Lecture 4 slide 3

21 Understanding .NET Assemblies
The role of .NET Type Metadata: Describes each and every type – class, structure, enumeration, and so forth defined in the binary, as well as the members of each type – properties, methods, events, and so on. The role of the Assembly Manifest: A valid .NET assembly contains metadata that describes the code library itself (technically termed a manifest). Like type metadata, it is always the job of the compiler to generate assembly’s manifest. Lecture 4 slide 4

22 Understanding .NET Assemblies
Compiling CIL to Platform-specific Instructions: Since the assemblies contain CIL and metadata, the CIL must be compiled on the fly before use. The entity that does this is JIT (Just-In-Time compiler) or popularly known as “Jitter”. The .NET runtime environment leverages a JIT compiler for each CPU targeting the CLR, each of which is optimized for the platform it is targeting. Note: JIT – applications deployed on Hand-held devices – have low-memory and automatically adjust to that environment. JIT – Back end Server – have high-memory and again automatically adjust to that environment. Caching of results – CIL instructions into corresponding machine code. On first invocation, the CIL instructions are compiled into platform-specific instructions of the machine and later reused on subsequent invocations. Lecture 4 slide 5

23 Understanding .NET Assemblies
CTS (Common Type System): In .NET, a type is a generic term used to collectively refer to any entity from the set {class, structure, interface, enumeration, delegate). CTS Class Types: Is the class “sealed” or not? Sealed Classes – cannot function as a base class to other types. Does the class implement any interfaces? Zero or more. Is the class abstract or concrete? Abstract classes cannot be directly created. What is the “visibility” of this class? Visibility attribute. Lecture 5 slide 1

24 Understanding .NET Assemblies
CLS is a set of guidelines that describe in detail, the minimal and complete set of features a given .NET-aware compiler must support to produce code that can be hosted by the CLR, while at the same time be accessed in a uniform manner by all languages that target the .NET platform. CLS can be viewed as a physical subset of the full functionality defined by the CTS. Lecture 5 slide 2

25 Understanding .NET Assemblies
CLR The workflow that takes place between your source code (which is making use of base class library types), a given .NET Compiler, and the .NET execution engine is shown in the following diagram. Lecture 5 slide 3

26 Object-Oriented Programming with C#
Pillars of OOP: Encapsulation – hide object’s internal implementation. Inheritance – code reuse – “is-a” and “has-a” relationships. Exs: Object  Shape  Hexagon(“is a”) and Car  radio (“has a”) Polymorphism – treat related objects in a similar way. Classical – Object  Shape  Hexagon  Circle Ad hoc – late binding is used; no common base class. Encapsulation in C#: “public” fields may get corrupted; so “private” data fields have to be used, which can be manipulated as follows: Define a pair of accessor and mutator fields. Define a named property. Special key word “read-only” delivers an additional form of data protection. Lecture 5 slide 4

27 Object-Oriented Programming with C#
Ex: for accessors and mutators: public class Employee { private string fullName; //accessor pubic string getfullName(){return fullName;} //mutator public void setfullName(string n) { fullName=n;} Class Property: .NET Classes (as well as structures and interfaces) can also define properties. Ex: public static int Main(string[] args) { Employee p = new Employee(); p.EmpID = 81; Console.WriteLine(“Person ID is: {0}”, p.EmpID); return 0; } Lecture 6 slide 1

28 Object-Oriented Programming with C#
//custom property for the EmpID data point. public class Employee { … private int EmpID; public int EmpID { get { return EmpID;} set { EmpID = value;} } Note: Properties make your types easier to manipulate. Ex: accessors & mutators: Employee joe = new Employee(); joe.setAge(joe.getAge() + 1); properties joe.Age++; A C# property maps to a get_/set_ pair. So care must be taken to see that get_/set_ property methods are not redefined. Lecture 6 slide 2

29 Object-Oriented Programming with C#
Read-only and Write-only properties: Build a property without a corresponding set block for read-only and without a get block for write-only properties. Static properties: are supported in C#. Properties are bound to a given class; but not an instance (object) of that class. Static constructors are also supported in C# - useful for assigning initial values to static data. Read-only fields, static Read-only fields – are also supported. Inheritance: Employee SalesPerson  Manager public class Manager : Employee { … } public class SalesPerson : Employee Note: A child class cannot directly access private members of its parent class. Lecture 6 slide 3

30 Object-Oriented Programming with C#
Protected: data and methods can be accessed directly by any descendant. Sealed classes: prevent inheritance. Ex: public sealed class PTSalesPerson : SalesPerson { … } Useful for creating stand-alone utility classes like System.String. Containment/Delegation (“has-a” relationship): public class Radio public class Car { … private Radio theMusicBox; } Nested classes – are permitted. Lecture 6 slide 4

31 Object-Oriented Programming with C#
Polymorphism: Base class – “virtual” method. Sub class – “override” base class’s virtual method. Abstract classes: Ex: abstract public class Employee { … } Abstract methods: can be used, when a concrete definition is not supplied. Versioning class members: method hiding – opposite of method overriding. Key word: new Ex: public class oval : Circle { public oval {base.petName = “Joe”; } public new void Draw() Casting: between “types” permitted. “Type-of” – key word “is” Lecture 7 slide 1

32 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
Objects can talk back to the entity that created them. “Two-way” conversation is common for objects in a system through the use of events, callback interfaces and other programming constructs. C# Key word “delegate”. Interfaces – used to define common behaviors. Callback interfaces: ex: //The callback interface public interface IEngineEvents { void AboutToBlow(string msg); void Exploded(string msg); } Lecture 7 slide 2

33 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
Event interfaces are not implemented directly by the client executable, but rather by a helper sink object; upon which the sender of the events (the Car type in our ex.) will make calls. Assume the client-side sink class is called CarEventSink. When the Car type sends the event notification to the sink, it will print the messages to the console. //CarEventSink public class CarEventSink : IEngineEvents { private string name;//Diagnostic member to identify sink. public CarEventSink() { } public CarEventSink(string sinkName) { name = sinkName; } public void AboutToBlow(string msg) {Console.WriteLine(“{0}reporting:{1}”,name,msg); } public void Exploded(string msg) } Lecture 7 slide 3

34 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
Now, a reference to this sink has to be passed to the Car type. The Car holds onto the reference and makes calls back on the sink, when appropriate. To obtain a reference to the sink, Advise() method can be used – similar to COM paradigm. Similarly, to detach from the event source, another custom method Unadvise() can be used – again similar to COM paradigm. Lecture 7 slide 4

35 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
To register multiple event sinks, let us assume that the Car maintains an ArrayList to represent each outstanding connection. //This car does not make any use of the //C# delegate or event key word, but can //still send events to the caller. public class Car { //The set of connected sinks ArrayList itfConnections = new ArrayList(); //Attach or disconnect from the source of events. public void Advise(IEngineEvents itfClientImpl) { itfConnections.Add(itfClientImpl); } public void Unadvise(IEngineEvents itfClientImpl) { itfConnections.Remove(itfClientImpl); } } Lecture 8 slide 1

36 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
Car.SpeedUp() method is used to send the events. The method iterates over the list of connections and fires the correct notification when appropriate. //Interface-based event protocol! Class Car {… public void SpeedUp(int delta) { //If the car is dead, send exploded event to each sink. if(carIsDead) { foreach(IEngineEvents e in itfConnections) e.Exploded(“Sorry, this car is dead …”); } else {currSpeed += delta; if(10 == maxSpeed – currSpeed) { foreach(IEngineEvents e in itfConnections) e.AboutToBlow(“Careful! Going to blow!”); if(currSpeed >= maxSpeed) CarIsDead = true; else Console.WriteLine(“\tcurrSpeed={0}”,currSpeed); }} Lecture 8 slide 2

37 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
Client-side code: //Make a car and listen to the events. public class CarApp { public static int Main(string[] args) { Car c1 = new Car(“SlugBug”, 100, 10); //Make sink object CarEventSink sink = new CarEventSink(); //Pass the Car a ref. to the sink. c1.Advise(sink); //Speed up (this will generate the events) for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) c1.Speedup(20); //Detach from events. c1.Unadvise(sink); } return 0; Lecture 8 slide 3

38 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
Note: Unadvise() method is very helpful in allowing the caller to selectively detach from events at will. Ex: The following app registers two sinks, dynamically removes a particular sink during the flow of execution, and continues to process the program. public static int Main(string[] args) {Car c1 = new Car(“SlugBug”, 100, 10); //Make sink objects Console.WriteLine(“***Creating sinks***”); CarEventSink sink = new CarEventSink(“First sink”); CarEventSink myOtherSink = new CarEventSink(“Other sink”); //Hand sinks to car Console.WriteLine(“Sending 2 sinks into Car”); c1.Advise(sink); c1.Advise(myOtherSink); Lecture 8 slide 4

39 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
//Speed up (this will generate the events) Console.WriteLine(“\n***Speeding up***”); for(int i=0; i < 6; i++) c1.SpeedUp(20); //Detach first sink from events Console.WriteLine(“\nRemoving first sink”); c1.Unadvise(sink); //speed up again (only “other sink” will be called.) Console.WriteLine(“\n***Speeding up again***”); for(int I=0; I < 6; I++) //Detach other sink from events. Console.WriteLine(“\n***Removing second sink***”); c1.Unadvise(myOtherSink); return 0; } Lecture 8 slide 5

40 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
.NET Delegate Type: Windows API – C-Style function ptrs – callback functions (or callbacks). The approach is not safe, as no. & type of args. infn. is not stored; only address is stored. .NET provides a safer, more Obj. Oriented manner, using delegates. A delegate maintains name, arguments and return value of the method. .NET supports both synchronous, and asynchronous delegates. Defining a delegate in C#: ex: 1. Public delegate void PlayAcidHouse (Person theDJ, int volume); The C# compiler dynamically produces a new sealed class named PlayAcidHouse deriving from System.MultiCastDelegate. Lecture 8 slide 6

41 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
The dynamically generated sealed class: Sealed class PlayAcidHouse : System.MultiCastDelegate {public PlayAcidHouse(object target, uint functionAddress); public void Invoke(Person theDJ, int volume); public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(Person theDJ, int volume, AsyncCallback cb, object state); public void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); } Invoke() – core method, may be called to inform the delegate it is time to call the method it is currently pointing to. It is a synchronous method. BeginInvoke() & EndInvoke() – provide ability to call the current method asynchronously. Ex 2: public delegate string TakeSomeBools(bool a, bool b, bool c); Lecture 9 slide 1

42 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
Ex 3: public delegate string TakeSomeBoolsByRefAndAsOut (out bool a, out bool b, ref bool c); In this case the EndInvoke() method will have these three (out & ref) parameters also in its args list. System MultiCastDelegate: derives from System.Delegate and implements two standard interfaces. public abstract class MultiCastDelegate : Delegate, ICloneable, ISerializable {public MethodInfo Method {get;} } Lecture 9 slide 2

43 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
A simple delegate example: namespace SimpleDelegate {class DelegateApp {//This is the method that will be called by the delegate public static void PlainPrint(string msg) {Console.WriteLine(“Msg is:{0}”, msg);} //Define a delegate type public delegate void AnyMethodTakingAString(string s); public static void Main() {//Make the delegate AnyMethodTakingAString del; del = new AnyMethodTakingAString(PlainPrint); //AnyMethodTakingAString.Invoke() called here! del(“Hello there …”); //Dump info about the delegate Console.WriteLine(“I just called:{0}”,del.Method); } }} Lecture 9 slide 3

44 Callback Interfaces, Delegates and Events
Output: Msg is: Hello there … I just called: void PlainPrint(System.string) Note: The target method can be changed dynamically. Multicasting with .NET delegates is also possible. A more elaborate delegate ex: Two new boolean variables for the Car class – isDirty(due for a wash) and shouldRotate (tire rotation). Additional properties and an updated constructor are included. Lecture 9 slide 4

45 Callback interfaces, delegates and events
public class Car { … private bool isDirty; private bool shouldRotate; public Car(string name, int max, int curr, bool dirty, bool rotate) isDirty = dirty; shouldRotate = rotate; } public bool Dirty { get{return isDirty;} set (isDirty = value;} public bool Rotate { get{return shouldRotate;} set (shouldRotate = value;} }} Lecture 9 slide 5

46 Callback interfaces, delegates and events
//This delegate is actually a class encapsulating a //function pointer to ‘some method’, taking a Car //as a parameter, and returning void. public delegate void CarDelegate(Car c); Note: A more enlightened alternative is to define CarDelegate directly within the Car class (Delegate as nested type) public class Car {//This is represented in CIL as //Car$CarDelegate (i.e. a nested type) } Lecture 9 slide 6

47 Callback interfaces, delegates and events
Using the CarDelegate: New class Garage maintains a collection of Car types contained in an ArrayList (on creation, filled with some initial car types). ProcessCars() method – takes a single arg of type Car.CarDelegate. In the implementation of ProcessCars(), you pass each car in your collection as a parameter to the “function pointed to” by the delegate. Lecture 10 slide 1

48 Callback interfaces, delegates and events
//The Garage class has a method that makes use //of the CarDelegate. Using System.Collections; Public class Garage { //A list of all cars in the Garage. ArrayList theCars = new ArrayList(); //creates the cars in the Garage. public Garage() {theCars.Add(new Car(“Viper”,100,0,true,false)); theCars.Add(new Car(“Fred”,100,0,false,false)); theCars.Add(new Car(“BillyBob”,100,0,false,true)); theCars.Add(new Car(“Bart”,100,0,true,true)); theCars.Add(new Car(“Stan”,100,0,false,true)); } Lecture 10 slide 2

49 Callback interfaces, delegates and events
//This method takes a Car.CarDelegate as a parameter. //Therefore, ‘proc’ is nothing more than a function //pointer! public void ProcessCars(Car.CarDelegate proc) { //Diagnostics: Where are we forwarding the call? C.W.(“Calling: {0}”, d.Method.ToString()); //Diagnostics: Are we calling an instance method or a //static method? if(proc.Target!=null) C.W.(“->Target:{0}”,proc.Target.ToString()); else C.W.(“->Target is a static method”); //Real work: Now call the method, passing in each car foreach(Car c in theCars) proc(c);}} Lecture 10 slide 3

50 Callback interfaces, delegates and events
When the object user calls ProcessCars(), it will send in the name of the method that should handle this request. Let us assume, these are static members named WashCar() and RotateTires(). Usage: //The garage delegates all work orders to these static functions public class CarApp { //A Target for the delegate. public static void WashCar(Car c) { if(c.Dirty) C.W.(“Cleaning a Car”); else C.W.(“The Car is already clean …”); } public static void RotateTires(Car c) { if(c.Rotate) C.W.(“Tires have been rotated”); else C.W.(“Don’t need to be rotated …”); Lecture 10 slide 4

51 Callback interfaces, delegates and events
public int Main(string[] args) { Garage g = new Garage(); //Wash all dirty cars g.ProcessCars(new Car.CarDelegate(WashCar)); //Rotate the tires. g.ProcessCars(new Car.CarDelegate(RotateTires)); return 0; } Lecture 10 slide 5

52 Callback interfaces, delegates and events
Asynchronous Delegates: Threading concepts – word doc printing 1000 pages; basic user input requests to be serviced. BeginInvoke() and EndInvoke() methods. Events: event key word. GUI – Button, Text Box etc. Non-GUI – apps also handle events public static event EngineHandler Exploded; public static event EngineHandler AboutToBlow; Where EngineHandler is declared as a delegate. Each event internally represented as the following members – a private class; an add_XXX() method and a remove_XXX() method. Lecture 10 slide 6


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