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What mood and atmosphere do these pictures create for you?

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Presentation on theme: "What mood and atmosphere do these pictures create for you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What mood and atmosphere do these pictures create for you?
Write one word on post it note and place on board

2 Turn yesterday’s (main clause) sentence into a sentence
with a subordinate clause.


4 Yesterday’s extract – what was it about?
Who wrote it? Why did he write it? What atmosphere did the writer create?


6 Word groupings eg verbs, nature, colours
In groups of 3 analyse yesterday’s non fiction text for examples of mood/atmosphere – each student to work on one of the following: Word groupings eg verbs, nature, colours Dictionary / thesaurus work – select words, look up meaning (write in your book) then using a Thesaurus look up synonyms and related concepts Continuum line – verbs/adverbs/nouns /adjectives that add to atmosphere: FREEZING COLD

7 Extended writing task:
Write up a short paragraph explaining how the writer has adapted the non-fiction piece to create atmosphere for the reader. Use your own words (you do not need to quote from the text).

8 EXTENSION: Do you think the writer has succeed in creating the correct atmosphere for reader?

9 dark treacherous powerful threatening cold barren dangerous alienated
bitter isolated empty lonely happy pleasant Calm summery warm sunny bright Idyllic harmonious relaxed Gentle pastoral

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