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Ani Ohev Otcha / His Love Endures Marc Vidito

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Presentation on theme: "Ani Ohev Otcha / His Love Endures Marc Vidito"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ani Ohev Otcha / His Love Endures Marc Vidito
Barchu et Adonai hamvorach l’olam va’ed

2 The Lord is good and His love endures forever

3 Abba, Father, maker of all Yeshua, Moshiach, Lover of my soul Adonai, Elocheicha, Lord alone to You we sing You are my life, You are my life

4 Ani ohev otcha, Yeshua

5 Adon Olam, God of earth and sky We sing our songs to You Shiru L’Adonai Pele Yoetz, El Gibor, Avi Ad, Sar Shalom You are my God, You are my God

6 Ani ohev otcha, Yeshua

7 The Lord is good and His love endures forever

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