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2 A C T S Go Tell The Good News! (Part 2) Class 6: 2nd Corinthians

3 Paul Continues His 3rd Journey
REVIEW Timothy & Erastus sent to Macedonia Acts 19:22 A large disturbance concerning the Way Acts 19:23-41 Demetrius Alexander Town clerk Paul leaves Ephesus after this incident and continues his journey. Macedonia  Greece (3 months)  Macedonia An entourage is travelling with him

4 1st Plans Cor 1:15-16 2nd Plans 1 Cor 16:5-6 Actual Travel Route Acts 20:1 – 21:17

5 Paul’s 2nd Letter To Corinth
REVIEW Paul is stressing over his 1st letter being forced to rebuke them sharply Paul leaves Ephesus and goes to Troas 2:12-13 He is expecting to meet Titus there with word from Corinth Titus is not there and Paul is discouraged and does not delay his journey He did not get relief in Macedonia due to added external afflictions in addition to his worries for the Corinthian brethren 7:5 Until Titus arrived and reported

6 Paul’s 2nd Letter To Corinth
REVIEW Corinth had received his letter, as reported by Titus and made corrections in the church However, due to the content in the 2nd letter there were those who rejected Paul’s message and even his apostleship Paul meets Timothy here in Macedonia and joins in the salutations

7 Paul’s 2nd Letter To Corinth
REVIEW Basic Outline Chapters 1-7 Comforting Words Chapters 8-9 Collections For Saints In Judea Chapters Defense Of His Apostleship Chapter 13 Admonishing Conclusion

8 Paul’s 2nd Letter To Corinth
REVIEW Comfort in afflictions 1:1-11 Explaining his change of plans 1:12 – 2:17 Why he wrote rather than visiting 2:1-11 Glorious new covenant 3:1-18


10 Paul’s 2nd Letter To Corinth
Light of the gospel – Do not lose heart 4:1-18 Walk by faith and not by sight 5:1-10 Ministry of reconciliation 5:11-6:13 We are the temple of the living God 6:14-7:1 Godly grief produces righteousness 7:2-16 Collection for the poor in Jerusalem 8-9 Defense of apostleship and authority 10-11

11 Paul’s 2nd Letter To Corinth
Paul’s visions and his thorn 12 Conclusion: warnings and encouragement 13

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