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Day 15: October 10, 2012 Inverter Performance

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1 Day 15: October 10, 2012 Inverter Performance
ESE370: Circuit-Level Modeling, Design, and Optimization for Digital Systems Day 15: October 10, 2012 Inverter Performance Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

2 Previously Delay as RC-charging Transistor Capacitance Drive Current
As a function of geometry (W/L) Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

3 Today Sizing Large Fanout Capacitance Revisited Miller Effect
Parallel Gate Capacitance Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

4 Transistor Sizing What happens to Ids as a function of W?
What happens to Cg as a function of W? Conclude: faster transistors present more load on their inputs Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

5 First Order Delay R0 = Resistance of minimum size NMOS device
C0 = gate capacitance of minimum size NMOS device Rdrive = R0/W Cg = WC0 Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

6 t model All delays are RC delays Always have an R0C0 term t = R0C0
Express all delays in t units Like l units for measurement Separate delay into Technology dependent term t = R0C0 Technology independent term Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

7 Inverter Sizing What is the impact of the delay on the middle inverter if double size of all the transistors? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

8 How Size How size to equalize Rise and Fall?
mn=500cm2/Vs, mp=200cm2/Vs When velocity saturated Rdrive=R0/2 Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

9 SPICE Simulation Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

10 Worst Case Delay Largest R Rdrive = max(Rpullup,Rpulldown)
If equalize Rpullup and Rpulldown Rdrive = Rpullup=Rpulldown Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

11 Equalizing Delay For simplicity, for today Assume Wp=Wn equalizes Ids
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

12 Large Fanout What is delay if must drive fanout=100?
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

13 What Delay? What is delay here? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

14 How Size How size transistors to minimize delay?
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

15 Optimizing Delay = 2Wmid/1 + 200/Wmid How minimize?
D(Delay)/D(Wmid) = 0 2 – 200/(Wmid)2=0 Wmid=sqrt(100) = 10 Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

16 Delay? Delay at optimal Wmid? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

17 Try again What is the delay here? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

18 …and Again Delay here? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

19 Lesson Don’t drive large fanout with a single stage
Must scale up over a number of stages …but not too many Exact number will be technology dependent Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

20 Charge on Capacitors Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

21 Questions What is DQ when switched? Equivalent Capacitance?
Contribution from each transistor? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

22 Gate-Drain Capacitance
What is the voltage across Vin—V2 When Vin=Vdd When Vin=Gnd What is DV across Vin—V2 when Vin switches from Vdd to Gnd? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

23 Miller Effect For an inverting gate
Capacitance between input and output must swing 2 Vhigh Or…acts as double-sized capacitor Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

24 Admin Drop Date Friday HW5 out More work than HW4 Get started early
Ramping up for Project Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

25 Ideas First order delay reason in t=R0C0 units
Scaling everything up doesn’t help Drive large capacitive loads in stages Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

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