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Demonstrating English Oral Performance through e-Protfolio

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstrating English Oral Performance through e-Protfolio"— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstrating English Oral Performance through e-Protfolio
Student : Hsiao-Wei Cheng Dr. Pi-Ying Teresa Hsu Date : May 25th, 2009 1

2 Contents Introduction I. Literature review II. Methodology III. 2

3 Introduction The purpose of my study perceptions Teacher evaluation
Self evaluation Peer evaluation E Portfolio 3

4 Introduction Evaluation can be used to “provide constructive criticism and suggestions to improve weak areas and amplify strengths.” (Boyd, 1989) 4

5 Introduction Research questions 1. 2.
How do the high/low proficient students respond to self evaluation in this process? 2. How do the high/low proficient students respond to peer evaluation in this process? 5

6 Introduction 3. How do the high/low proficient students respond to teacher evaluation in this process? 4. What are the students’ responses to the use of e-Portfolio assessment? 5. Which is the most useful (self, peer and teacher) evaluation for high/low proficient students? 6

7 Literature review Teacher evaluation Self evaluation Peer evaluation
1 Teacher evaluation 2 Self evaluation 3 Peer evaluation 4 e-Portfolio assessment 7

8 Literature review Teacher evaluation
Olina and Sullivan (2002) found that teacher evaluations were more complete and accurate than student self-evaluations. 8

9 Literature review Self evaluation
Researchers have suggested that self-evaluation has the potential to improve student performance (Davies, 2002; Fallows & Chandramohan, 2001). 9

10 Literature review Peer evaluation
Matsuno (2009) found out that peer-assessment can play a useful role in writing classes. She mentioned the peer-raters produced fewer bias than the self and teacher raters. 10

11 Literature review E Portfolio assessment
Wu (2006) asked his students to post the peer’s feedback and teacher’s feedback on their blog. Anna M. (2005) found the benefits of portfolio sharing as experienced through paired peer interviews and exceeded the original goals. 11

12 Methodology Research Design Methodology Instrumentation Procedure 12

13 English major students
Methodology English major students in Chaoyang University of Technology 13

14 Methodology high achiever low achiever 14

15 Methodology Instrument e-Portfolio evaluation form 15

16 Methodology Participants e-Portfolio Questionnaire Procedure
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3 Presentation 4 Presentation 5 Presentation 6 e-Portfolio Questionnaire 16

17 Methodology teacher’s comment peers’ comments e-Portfolio
self reflection 17

18 Methodology self reflection before during after 18

19 Methodology Questionnaire Self Peer evaluation Teacher evaluation
e-Portfolio 19

20 Methodology participants
students in Chaoyang University of Technology (100) duration one semester method questionnaire (5 Liker scales) Instrument e-Portfolio and evaluation form 20

21 Thank You! 21

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