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Accounts Payable Web Innovations 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Accounts Payable Web Innovations 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accounts Payable Web Innovations 2017

2 Accounts Payable Process
Purchase Order Voucher Approve Payment Generate Payment Reporting Setup Notes: Identify Misc SKU / INV’d SKU Create 2 PO’s (Misc /Inventoried) Receive INV’d Item Make Sure PO’s are Open Voucher Partial Pay

3 Vouchering & PO Line Transfer
Purchase Order Voucher Setup Batch Create Voucher Transfer PO Lines Tax & Freight? Delete Unneeded Lines Did You Know? You must either receive vendor invoices before you can transfer PO detail line information to vouchers, or the record must be for an item that does not require receiving. Example: PO Invoice /21 Invoice /22

4 Setup Batch Purchase Order Voucher Example: PO-14-0012
Invoice /21 Invoice /22

5 Create Voucher Purchase Order Voucher Example: PO-14-0012
Invoice /21 Invoice /22

6 Transfer PO Lines Purchase Order Voucher Example: PO-14-0012
Invoice /21 Invoice /22

7 Add Tax and Freight Purchase Order Voucher Example: PO-14-0012
Invoice /21 Invoice /22

8 Delete Unneeded Lines Purchase Order Voucher Example: PO-14-0012
Invoice /21 Invoice /22

9 Payment Approval Edit Voucher Payment Information tab Payment Approval
Approve Payment Edit Voucher Payment Information tab Review Discount Information Review Previous Payments Set Recommended Payment Payment Approval Select Vouchers to Pay Set Approved Amount to Pay

10 Details & Recommendations
Voucher Approve Payment

11 Payment Approval Voucher Approve Payment

12 Payment Generation Set Filters Select Bank Review Payment Information
Approve Payment Generate Payment Set Filters Select Bank Review Payment Information Generate Payments

13 Payment Generation Approve Payment Generate Payment

14 Reports Payment Summary Export to External Systems
Generate Payment Reporting Payment Summary Export to External Systems Generate a Variety of PDF Reports Calculate Average Cost w/ Tax & Freight Payment Register Voucher Distributions Voucher Detail Reports Set Flag to 0, check your accounting period

15 Payment Summary Generate Payment Reporting
Set Flag to 0, check your accounting period

16 Reports Generate Payment Reporting
Set Flag to 0, check your accounting period

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