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Presentation on theme: "Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday

2 Warm-Up – Week 37 Write 3 sentences about what this quote means to you or how you can apply it in your own life.

3 Welcome to 9th Grade AVID
Assignments Due: Block Day - TRF’s Due Block Day – Portfolio Check Friday – Week 2 of Academic contracts DUE Friday – guest speaker No Binder checks this week – binder check and mentor log due NEXT Friday, the 26th Today’s Agenda: Monday May 15, 2017 Warm-Up Present Vision Boards Essential Question: What do I want my future to look like? Objective: I will create and present a vision board to demonstrate my goals for my future.

4 AVID Banquet TONIGHT 6:30 CCA Dress nice Bring your family

5 AVID Club Meeting This Wednesday, May 17th 2:30
Mrs. Cicero’s room – 215 You must attend this meeting if you are interested in being an officer for next year’s AVID club

6 Portfolio Check – 5/17-18 after tutorials
Section # Section Title Documents Possible Points Your Points 1 Important Documents High School Activities Record 10 Resume Community Service Record 2 College/Career Research Projects College Poster Career Research Packet College Research Brochure 3 Essays Shield Essay The Seven Habits Essay 4 Goals Mission Statement Personal & Career Goals G.P.A. Goal Setting #1 G.P.A. Goal Setting #2 G.P.A. Goal Setting #3 G.P.A. Goal Setting #4 G.P.A. Goal Setting #5 G.P.A. Goal Setting #6 G.P.A. Goal Setting #7 Vision Board 5 College Visit Completed College Visit Checklist & Reflection 6 Learning Styles & Personality Learning Styles Inventory Finding Your True Colors Keirsey’s Descriptions of Temperaments Learning Style & Personality Essay 7 Awards & Honors Copies of any awards or honors received this year 8 Research Tools & Templates MLA Format Citation Sentence Templates 3-Part Source Integration Technique Templates Business Letter Template Friendly Letter Template Total 280

7 Vision Boards Total 100 Grading Based On: Possible Points
Points Earned Content 8 ½ x 11 paper ENTIRE paper is covered Includes both pictures and words 50 Presentation Makes eye contact with audience Presents project effectively Speaks loudly, clearly, and with enthusiasm Interacts with the audience 40 Quality Creativity Visual Appeal of Project 10 Total 100

8 Tuesday

9 Warm-Up – Week 37 Write 3 sentences about what this quote means to you or how you can apply it in your own life.

10 Welcome to 9th Grade AVID
Assignments Due: Block Day - TRF’s Due Block Day – Portfolio Check Friday – Week 2 of Academic contracts DUE Friday – guest speaker Today’s Agenda: Tuesday May 16, 2017 Warm-Up Finish Vision Board presentations Essential Question: What do I want my future to look like? Objective: I will create and present a vision board to demonstrate my goals for my future.

11 AVID Club Meeting This Wednesday, May 17th 2:30
Mrs. Cicero’s room – 215 You must attend this meeting if you are interested in being an officer for next year’s AVID club

12 Portfolio Check – 5/17-18 after tutorials
Section # Section Title Documents Possible Points Your Points 1 Important Documents High School Activities Record 10 Resume Community Service Record 2 College/Career Research Projects College Poster Career Research Packet College Research Brochure 3 Essays Shield Essay The Seven Habits Essay 4 Goals Mission Statement Personal & Career Goals G.P.A. Goal Setting #1 G.P.A. Goal Setting #2 G.P.A. Goal Setting #3 G.P.A. Goal Setting #4 G.P.A. Goal Setting #5 G.P.A. Goal Setting #6 G.P.A. Goal Setting #7 Vision Board 5 College Visit Completed College Visit Checklist & Reflection 6 Learning Styles & Personality Learning Styles Inventory Finding Your True Colors Keirsey’s Descriptions of Temperaments Learning Style & Personality Essay 7 Awards & Honors Copies of any awards or honors received this year 8 Research Tools & Templates MLA Format Citation Sentence Templates 3-Part Source Integration Technique Templates Business Letter Template Friendly Letter Template Total 280

13 Get in your 4’s group from the back of your clock partner paper

14 Wednesday/ Thursday

15 Warm-Up Write 3 sentences about what this quote means to you or how you can apply it in your own life.

16 Welcome to 9th Grade AVID
Assignments Due: Block Day - TRF’s Due Block Day – Portfolio Check Friday – Week 2 of Academic contracts DUE Friday – guest speaker Today’s Agenda: Wed/Thu May 17/18, 2017 Warm-up Tutorials Pass back graded papers/update AVID binder and portfolio Set up paper for Cornell Notes Portfolio check Essential Question: How can I use collaborative inquiry to be more successful in my classes? Objective: I will actively participate in my tutorial group.

17 Cornell Notes for Guest Speaker on Friday
Set up your paper Name Date Class Essential Question: What can I learn from our guest speaker, Catrina Boppart? Notes will be due on Monday 5 questions in the left hand column 5 sentence summary

18 Portfolio Check Total 280 Section # Section Title Documents
Possible Points Your Points 1 Important Documents High School Activities Record 10 Resume Community Service Record 2 College/Career Research Projects College Poster Career Research Packet College Research Brochure 3 Essays Shield Essay The Seven Habits Essay 4 Goals Mission Statement Personal & Career Goals G.P.A. Goal Setting #1 G.P.A. Goal Setting #2 G.P.A. Goal Setting #3 G.P.A. Goal Setting #4 G.P.A. Goal Setting #5 G.P.A. Goal Setting #6 G.P.A. Goal Setting #7 Vision Board 5 College Visit Completed College Visit Checklist & Reflection 6 Learning Styles & Personality Learning Styles Inventory Finding Your True Colors Keirsey’s Descriptions of Temperaments Learning Style & Personality Essay 7 Awards & Honors Copies of any awards or honors received this year 8 Research Tools & Templates MLA Format Citation Sentence Templates 3-Part Source Integration Technique Templates Business Letter Template Friendly Letter Template Total 280

19 Friday

20 Place your academic contract in your planner and place it on Mrs
Place your academic contract in your planner and place it on Mrs. Dyke’s desk BEFORE you start your warm-up Warm-Up Write about what this quote means to you or how you can apply it in your own life.

21 Welcome to 9th Grade AVID
Assignments Due: Friday – guest speaker Monday – Cornell notes DUE Friday, May 26th – binder checks and mentor logs due Today’s Agenda: Friday May 19, 2017 Warm-up Guest Speaker Cornell Notes DUE MONDAY 5 questions in the left hand column 5 sentence summary Essential Question: What can I learn from our guest speaker, Catrina Boppart? Objective: 1) I will be an attentive and active listener for our guest speaker. 2) I will take Cornell Notes from the guest speaker’s presentation

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