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The Boston Tea Party.

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1 The Boston Tea Party

2 The Townshend Acts Repealed!
Colonists did their best to boycott the Townshend Acts, despite pressure from British soldiers. On the same day as the Boston Massacre, Parliament decided to repeal most of the Townshend Acts in 1770. Only the tax on tea was kept.

3 The Tea Act (1773) Gave the East India Company complete control of selling British tea in the colonies. Colonial shopkeepers thought the Tea Act would ruin their businesses. Patriots urged boycotts of British tea, and the boycotts were very effective.

4 The Boycott in Boston Massachusetts Governor, Thomas Hutchinson, vowed that British tea would be sold in Boston. He declared that British ships would not leave until all of their tea was unloaded into the city.

5 A “Tea Party” – Dec. 16, 1773 That night, the Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Indians and boarded 3 E.I.C. ships. They dumped 340 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. Crowds of citizens cheered them on.

6 The Boston Tea Party

7 The “Intolerable Acts”
Parliament passes the Coercive Acts in 1774 to punish the colonists. Boston Harbor would be closed until the cost of the tea was paid. The British military would rule Massachusetts. Colonists called these the “Intolerable Acts.”

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