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Event Description Significance Colonial Response(s)

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1 Event Description Significance Colonial Response(s)
Proclamation of 1763 After the French and Indian War, the British government made it illegal for colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. This was to prevent future conflicts with Native Americans Many colonists had believed that the whole purpose of the war was to open up new land to settlement by removing France as a rival in the West. The Proclamation of 1763 was a “paper boundary.” The English colonists ignored it and settled in the West anyway. The Stamp Act Taxed almost all printed material: newspapers, books, court docs, contracts land deeds First direct tax Increased tensions Colonists got organized Boycotted British goods Violence occurred Formed Sons of Liberty Protests worked, the Brit. Repealed Stamp Act The Quartering Act Law that ordered colonists to provide British soldiers with housing, food, and supplies. More protests The Townshend Acts Tax on imported goods like glass, lead, paper, and tea Angered colonists, led to riots and British increased the number of troops. Boston Massacre resulted

2 Event Description Significance Colonial Response(s)
The Boston Massacre Colonists hurled rocks and snowballs at soldiers who fired into the crowd. Killed 5. Labelled a “massacre” Led to more organization among colonists Colonists created committees of correspondence to promote cooperation among the colonies The Tea Act Allowed British E. India company to sell tea directly to colonists which hurt colonial smugglers. Led to Coercive Acts Boston Tea Party The Intolerable Acts Closed Port of Boston Colonists had to house British troops Increased Power of Governor Decreased power of town meetings and elected officials Unified colonies First Continental Congress Boycotted British Goods Formed New governments

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