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Georgia NCD Prevention and Control Activities

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1 Georgia NCD Prevention and Control Activities
7 May 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland 6th WHO – IUMSP International Seminar On the Public Health Aspects of Non-communicable Diseases Nia Giuashvili National Center for Disease Control and Public Health

2 In Georgia 91% of all deaths are caused
by Non-communicable diseases Georgia belongs to TOP 5 WHO Member Countries with the highest mean blood pressure Main Diseases: IHD (42%); CVD (26%) Half of newly diagnosed cancer cases are on IV stage

3 28% of Georgia adult population is daily smoker,
70% consumes less than 5 servings of fruit and/or vegetables, 22% is physically inactive, 56% is overweight and 25% obese, 33% has hypertension, 16.3% has high level of blood glucose, 18.1% has high cholesterol level, 25% has hypertriglyceridemia The majority (94%) of Georgian population has one or more risk-factor 17% of the overall disease burden and 19% of all deaths in Georgia are attributable to environmental risk factors.

4 Structure and organization of prevention and care services and resources available
Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affaires National Center for Disease Control and Public Health Primary Healthcare (public/private) Hospital Sector (public/private) Insurance companies NGOs Resources State budget International Donations

5 Main achievements NCD Division at the NCDC
Breast , cervical and colorectal cancer screening programs CVD screening program GEORGIA - NATIONAL HEALTH CARE STRATEGY NCD Strategic Highlights NCD Prevention and Control Conception for Georgia Cancer Registry design and concept elaboration

6 Main lessons learnt over the last 5 years
Low Budget allocation Lack of Action Plans for realization strategies Cultural sensitive intervention Advocacy & political commitment Surveillance system

7 Next Steps NCD Prevention and Control Action Plan
Establish an effective and sustainable surveillance and health information system (national health statistics, registers, surveys for health status, health behavior and risk factors) with clear description of tasks and responsibilities. Continue and expand national NCD screening programs and evidence-based preventive initiatives Continue and reinforce national tobacco control initiatives, expand smoking prevention strategies and promote smoke-free environment

8 Next Steps Develop a comprehensive multisectoral strategy to limit consumption of unhealthy food; incorporate healthy nutrition programs into school education programs on healthy behavior. Design a strategy to create opportunities for physical exercise and encouraging people to exercise, with age specific measures. This includes planning of space for play and sports, especially in urban areas, implementation healthy cities and healthy stadia programs. Continue and expand monitoring, development and implementation of measures to limit negative environmental impact on human health. Continue development and implementation of comprehensive measures for improvement of road safety. Following successful introduction of seat belts additional activities will focus on education to reduce risky behavior on the roads.

9 Thanks for your attention!

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