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Advice We Give Our Students

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1 Advice We Give Our Students
Ann Schreihofer & Derek Schreihofer Associate Professor Associate Professor Integrative Physiology Pharmacology & Neuroscience University of North Texas Health Science Center Fort Worth, Texas Work/Life Balance: Every Choice Matters Symposium Sponsored by the APS Women in Physiology Committee Experimental Biology Meeting 2011, Washington DC

2 The dual career family: Keys to a successful partnership
* Continuous communication * Compromise: balance needs * Rewards to both for work done well * Forgiveness of both for things undone or overlooked

3 How do you maintain your busy schedules without going insane?
* Divide and conquer: Divvy up the tasks * Keep a master calendar * Make the deadlines a priority * Plan ahead: First come/first served -with a few exceptions * Remind each other of important tasks -without judgment or irritation

4 How do you keep the workload
fair for each partner? * Respect the contributions and needs of both partners * Ban the terms “woman’s” or “man’s” work * Make a “to do” list for home tasks -each does ones they like and don’t like * Pitch in readily when one is ill or has a high priority, time-consuming task

5 How do you stay connected with busy and differing schedules?
* Make “together time” -partner times and family times * Use all forms of communication * Remember to listen * Empathize and support partner -for ups and downs

6 What strategies did you use to ensure good job positions for both?
* Be honest with yourself and each other regarding expectations and goals * When the potential employer expresses interest, be honest about spouse needs * If possible, look for positions with more options - bigger institution or city * If one is really sought after, negotiate hard for the partner- it’s now or never

7 How can we be seen as two people – not two for the price of one?
* Set yourselves apart scientifically -Have your own networks/meetings * If you share a department, don’t share a brain- don’t be afraid to disagree * Help each other, but minimize co-author publications before tenure * Contribute to different aspects of the department or unit

8 How do you decide when to start a family during your careers?
* Both partners need to be on board -apprehension is ok – aversion is not * When you are ready to have a family -There is no best time – It’s a big change -There could always be more money * It’s up to you two, not your employers * If you wait for tenure – it may be too late

9 What do I do when my life choices negatively impact my work life?
* Seriously evaluate whether you are meeting expectations at work. * Honestly decide your priorities for life and work choices. * Consider whether you need to change your priorities or workplace. * If you think you are being unfairly judged in the workplace, seek counsel.

10 How do you prioritize the many facets of your work and home life?
* Identify deal breakers in your life plans * Identify the critical factors to maintain your job / professional life * Identify the critical factors to maintain your home life * Add in the extras for each arena - if time and energy permits * Identify what can be delegated to others

11 How do you find time for work and home & how do you balance them?
* Realize that “having it all” means “having some of it all” * Realize that “home” and “work” tasks can be done in different places and times * Realize an academic scientist job is bottom line-driven – hours are flexible * Realize you will never finish your daily “to do list” – There is always tomorrow.

12 How can I possibly do all the things I see you trying to manage?
* Remember the jobs are challenging, but also very rewarding * Don’t focus on my complaints- - look at what gets accomplished * Decide what you want in life, and find a way (or ways) to make it happen * Talk to successful people who do what you want to do in life – incorporate ideas

13 for the dual career family
Final words of advice for the dual career family *Keep your sense of humor -smiles are contagious -don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself * Confess your sins and move on * Remember to breathe * Remember that those who make it look easy are struggling just like you are

14 The Schreihofer Family
Ann Derek Ethan Nina Stone Mountain, Georgia

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