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The pre-Romantics.

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Presentation on theme: "The pre-Romantics."— Presentation transcript:

1 The pre-Romantics

2 Revolt against the limitations imposed by the neoclassical conventions
Themes, diction and imagery

3 Khalil Mutran

4 Was a genius in journalism, in finance, in commerce, in agricultural economy. Received his education in a Catholic seminary in Beirut. He was interested in politics (inspired by 1789). Lived in Alexandria (1892 – 1949). Director of the National Theatre Company.

5 Translated some of Shakespeare’s plays, and Corneille’s Le Cid.
Introduced new concepts into Arabic poetry: - Unity of the poem/Unity of structure. - Primacy of meaning - Uncommon imagination/subject

6 The Diwan Group (Mazini, Shukri, Aqqad)
Tension between old form and new content. Played important role in the development of Arabic poetry.

7 Ibrahim al-Mazini

8 Poet, Critic, essayist, translator, English teacher.
With Aqqad and Shukri formed “Madrasat al-tajdid” the School of Innovation (avant-gard) and Attacked traditional literary values. They published al-Diwan (Literary criticism). prose writer

9 Abdul Rahman Shukri

10 Teacher The Book of Confession: self analysis, observations on art and man, life and death, and graphically expressing the malaise of the Egyptian intellectual. Concepts of poetry: - Clarity/simplicity - Imagination (vital role) - Passion - Atifah: Emotional polarities (love-hate, hope-despair, bravery-cowardice)

11 Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad

12 self-taught Journalist The Golden Treasury: Attacks the privious Egyptian poets.

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