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IHR: the framework for preparedness and response

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2 IHR: the framework for preparedness and response
Core Capacities for Surveillance and Response Event Detection and Verification Incident Management System: the mechanism for coordinating a regional response Coordination of Partners GOARN Deployment of Multi-disciplinary Teams Research & Development

3 International Health Regulations (IHR)
A legal tool – 10 Parts, 66 Articles, 9 Annexes – that describes procedures, rights and obligations for 196 States Parties and WHO From three diseases to all public health hazards, irrespective of origin or source From preset measures to adapted response From control of borders to containment at source Requested, developed and negotiated by Member States Based on dialogue, transparency and trust State’s commitment – beyond the health sector Not a new technical discipline (…existing…)

4 Article 2 - Purpose and scope of the IHR
…to prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks, and which avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade. National Core Capacities IHR Operational Framework Administrative procedures Global Alert and Response System 3

5 Ebola put to test all core capacities!!!
Ebola Virus Disease Legislation, Policy, Financing Emergency funding, legislation for public health measures Coordination, NFP communication IHR NFP 24/7, national emergency mechanism(s) Surveillance Capacity for detection and epidemiological investigation throughout the national territory, at any level of the Health Services Response Pre-identified response team (contact tracing, funerals), IPC (PPE) Preparedness Integrated plans and generic tools between different sectors Risk Communication Implementation and adaptation of risk communication plan Human Resources Pre designation, awareness and training of HCWs for all EVD related actions (detection, management, contact tracing, sampling, disinfection) Laboratory Biosecurity protocols, Sampling Kits, international shipment of specimens Points of Entry Management of potential cases and contacts, disinfection Zoonotic hazard Food Safety Chemical hazard Radiation related hazard They serve to prepare for and respond to public health events, incl. PHEIC They’re neither a legal nor an academic exercise IHR to serve public health and not a new discipline!

6 Zika virus spread in the Americas, May 2015 to present


KEY FACTS on Z I K A V PAHO has carried out activities in 30 COUNTRIES/TERRITORIES in LAC Totaling approximately 1,080 days of technical work in those priority countries.

9 NUMBER OF PAHO EXPERTS 175 EXPERTS PAHO has mobilized/hired Working in
KEY FACTS on Z I K A V PAHO has mobilized/hired 175 EXPERTS Working in 17 TECHNICAL AREAS Experts Mobilized Technical Areas

10 Zika Virus Research Agenda


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