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David König, AustriaTech 13th September, DATEX II User Forum Dublin

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Presentation on theme: "David König, AustriaTech 13th September, DATEX II User Forum Dublin"— Presentation transcript:

1 David König, AustriaTech 13th September, DATEX II User Forum Dublin
DATEX II profiling and testing in the context of the EC delegated regulation requirements David König, AustriaTech 13th September, DATEX II User Forum Dublin

2 Table of Content Background / Motivation
The Need – DATEX II use in the corridors (CROCODILE approach) Testing and Validating DATEX II profiles in the context of the delegated regulations Testframework / Status Open Questions

3 Background – Delegated Regulations
General Requirements – Delegated Regulations (Priority Actions a-f)

4 DATEX II in the Corridor (Profiling)
Project CROCODILE Project partners: Austria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovenia Cooperation towards the fulfilment of the ITS Directive: Data Exchange based on needs of the ITS Directive Using DATEX II Focus on Priority Action c (safety critical information) and e (truck parking information) fulfilling minimum set of data Resulting in real deployments within the CROCODILE corridor

5 DATEX II in the CROCODILE Corridor
Status DATEX II in the corridors: Currently the CROCODILE Member States are on a different level of DATEX II usage No single Member State has a final solution for cross- border data exchange up to now. Therefore CROCODILE agreed on a common way forward to achieve data exchange based on DATEX II

6 Approach to DATEX II based CROCODILE data exchange
Based on the results of the data availability survey  decision on DATEXII considering SRTI and truck parking data exchange There will be NO new DATEXII profile generated  development of a middleware specification for defining common minimum set of data elements! Status-survey on implemented/planned/considered/not planned SRTI related attributes/enum types addressing all CROCODILE DATEX II WG members

7 CROCODILE specification approach towards SRTI minimum profile

8 CROCODILE Middleware specification
Crocodile based Middleware specification for exchanging DATEXII based SRTI-messages (Priority Action c – Safety related traffic information) CROCODILE Middleware specification

9 DATEX II – Reference and Validation (Testcenter)
DATEX II Testcenter – the Common Facilitator Online, web-based service for testing individual DATEX II profiles against predefined validation rules (focus on Priority actions b,c and e) Common Work done within the DATEX II project, within Activity 1 – User support Wherever available: graphical user interfaces: e.g. mapping of D2 content, Profiles are able to be tested on a voluntarily and anonymously basis by DATEX II users (e.g. road operators) Data Handling - Process of Verification + Validation: User-Registration D2 XML File Upload and XML Parsing Validation report generation + Download of the report

10 DATEX II – Testcenter Framework
Validation Process (Flow diagram) User registration DII profile Upload by the User (e.g. Member state) Format verfication (preparsing XML) Provision of validation rules (based on minimum required DII elements describing Priority actions b, c, e Main profile validation/XML parsing procedure, generation of Log-Files Generation of the Final, Downloadable Validation Report End of the Validation process

11 DATEx ii Testcenter - Status
Provided in the first step to DATEX II project partners/ associated partners (e.g. road operators) for testing and commitment purposes Currently developing first test/validation-routines Starting with Priority action c validation (based on the common Profiling guidance and documentation inputs for SRTI, elaborated by the DATEX II community, CROCODILE project group and the TISA group) Future Integrating further priority actions as references to be tested against (b-RTTI, and e-Truck Parking) Elaborating Minimum set of data fulfilling profiling requirements of Priority Action b Additionally GIS profiling, covering for static data exchange !?(Delegated Regulation 2015/962, RTTI) For ITP the basis for data exchange is formed by the EC profile for static data (minimum requirements resulting from Delegated Regulation 885/2013)

12 Thank you for your attention!
Open Questions!? David König, AustriaTech, DUF Dublin, 13th-14th September

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