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Day Four Review of last class Post-method Era - Eclectic Approach

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Presentation on theme: "Day Four Review of last class Post-method Era - Eclectic Approach"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day Four Review of last class Post-method Era - Eclectic Approach
- Whole Language and Whole Language Educaiton - Multiple Intelligences (MI) - The Lexical Approach Current Communicative Approaches - Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) Learner-Centered Instruction Cooperative / Collaborative Language Learning Interactive Learning Content-Based Instruction (CBI) Strategic Interaction (SI) Discuss about your Mock Teaching Project plan

2 Postmethod Era 1970’s & 1980’s - Language teachers were still creating new methods. 1990’s - No more new methods -- this is when teachers realized they can select more than one teaching method in their language classes.

3 Eclectic Approach Teaching method is not “set in the stones” Also known as “Enlightening” approach If a teacher has a choice and tends to think, “but it depends on…” then you are using the eclectic/enlightening approach

4 Examples of Decisions in Eclectic Approach
Should the course focus on meaning or grammar? Will my students learn best by using plenty of analysis or intuition? Would it be better for my students to think directly in the L2 or to use translation from the L1? Will my students benefit more from immediate rewards or from long-term rewards?

5 More Examples of Decisions in Eclectic Approach
As a teacher should I be tough and demanding or gentle and empathetic? Should my feedback to students be given frequently or infrequently, so students will develop autonomy? Should a communicative course give more attention to acuracy or fluency? Brown, pp. 44

6 Whole Language and Whole Language Educaiton
Cooperative, Participatory & Student-centered learning Focus on the community of learners and the social nature of language Use of authentic, natural language Meaning-centered language Holistic assessment techniques in testing

7 Multiple Intelligences (MI)
Nine types of intelligences by Howard Gardner (1983) Spatial Linguistic Logical-mathematical Bodily-kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

8 The Lexical Approach Building of words and word combinations (Lewis, 1997) Popular in corpus analyses Emphasis is on lexical phrases Examples…my bed, a good job, some coffee, etc.

9 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
Focus is on all components (grammatical, discourse, functional, sociolinguistic, and strategic) Relationship of form and function Fluency and accuracy Focus on real-world contexts Autonomy & strategic involvement Teachers role Students role

10 Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)
Focuses on the use of authentic language and on asking students to do meaningful tasks using the target language. Such tasks can include visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling customer service for help. Assessment is primarily based on task outcome (in other words the appropriate completion of tasks) rather than on accuracy of language forms.

11 Learner-Centered Instruction
Focus is on “student” rather than “instructor” Account for learners’ needs, styles & goals Technique that give some control to the student Allow for student creativity and innovation Goal is to enhance a student’s sense of competebnce and self-worth

12 Cooperative / Collaborative Language Learning
Opposite of “competitive” learning Has the characteristics of learner-centered instruction approach Work in groups instead of individuals Pros and Cons of group work

13 Interactive Learning Communication that occurs between speakers and listeners A product of negotiation, give and take Produce a genuine, meaningful communication Receiving authentic language input in real-world contexts

14 Content-Based Instruction (CBI)
“…the integration of content learning with language teaching aims. Form and sequence of language presentation dictated by content materials Emphasis is on the use of curriculum to guide as language teaching materials

15 Strategic Interaction
Students are given a situation / scenario (e.g. through a card). Signer A / B exercise. First, the teacher demonstrates as Signer A with one student as Signer B. Then call another student to practice as Signer B with this student as Signer A. Teacher stands, observes and gives feedback Classmates observe, and then debrief. Strong in Signing Naturally curriculum

16 Review and Questions & Answers

17 Assignments and Readings
* Bring your one grammar and activity for teaching grammar. Reading:

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