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Unit 5 2007-11-27.

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1 Unit 5

2 Outline Odds and ends Direction and location Verbs of motion

3 Writing numerals Russian uses a space instead of a comma every three places in large numerals US: 192,000 Russia: Russian uses a comma where we use a decimal point US: 22.5 Russia: 22,5 We haven’t learned about decimal points yet

4 One o’clock When telling time on the hour
For most times, give the number of the hour followed by the appropriate form of the word час два́ часа́ пя́ть часо́в Exception: ‘One o’clock’ is ча́с (not оди́н ча́с) Russians don’t say оди́н in this context

5 Культу́ра и бы́т: У́тром, днём, ве́чером, но́чью
Evening tends to extend later in Russia than in America from approximately 5:00 p.m. until midnight ‘Night’ is used only for very late at night from approximately midnight until 3:00 a.m. The difference is cultural, as well as linguistic In Russian cities it is acceptable to call people at 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. If you’re invited for the evening, you may be there until midnight

6 Hyphenation Hyphenation must leave at least one letter on each line
Hyphenation must leave at least one syllable (= one vowel) on each line Between consonants and vowels Hyphenation is acceptable after vowels and before consonants Don’t hyphenate after a consonant and before a vowel Between vowels Hyphenation is always acceptable between vowels Between consonants Hyphenation is acceptable between consonants only in positions that are also between morphemes (prefixes, roots, suffixes, grammatical endings) чи-та́ть на-ци-о-на́ль-ность

7 Voicing and devoicing SAM, pp. 106–07
Voiced and voiceless consonants (obstruents) labial: в/ф, б/п dental: з/с, д/т palatal: ж/ш velar: г/к liquids (р, л) and nasals (м, н) do not participate in voicing assimilation (other details to follow) Final devoicing: write джа́з, pronounce джа́с Voicing assimilation: obstruents (other than в) cause preceding obstruents to agree with them in voicing Write в Ки́еве, pronounce ф Ки́еве Write экза́мен, pronounce эгза́мен Write второ́й, pronounce фторо́й (в undergoes voicing assimilation, but doesn’t cause it) Write and pronounce тво́й (в doesn’t cause voicing assimilation, although it undergoes it) Voicing assimilation takes place only within a word, where prepositions count as part of the following word Assimilate (same “word”): write в пя́той, pronounce ф пя́той Don’t assimilate across word boundary: write and pronounce ва́ш дру́г

8 Direction and location
в/на + accusative Я́ иду́ в библиоте́ку. Я́ иду́ на ле́кцию. Use with verbs of motion and other verbs that imply motion toward a destination (e.g., опа́здывать). Location в/на + prepositional Я́ занима́юсь в библиоте́ке. Я́ никогда́ не говорю́ на ле́кции.

9 Adverbs of direction and location
Куда́ ты́ идёшь? Я́ иду́ домо́й. Note: not в до́м Location Где́ ты́ рабо́таешь? Я́ рабо́таю до́ма. Note: not в до́ме The place adverbs you know (зде́сь, ту́т, та́м) are only for location. They have directional counterparts that you haven’t learned yet. If you are feeling precocious: сюда́ ‘hither’, туда́ ‘thither.

10 Direction and location
Кондоли́за Ра́йс е́дет в (Russia). Кондоли́за Ра́йс е́дет в Росси́ю. Куда́ е́дет Кондоли́за Ра́йс? Влади́мир Пу́тин живёт в (Russia). Влади́мир Пу́тин живёт в Росси́и. Где́ живёт Влади́мир Пу́тин? Окса́на рабо́тает в (library). Окса́на рабо́тает в библиоте́ке. Где́ рабо́тает Окса́на? Окса́на идёт в (library). Окса́на идёт в библиоте́ку. Куда́ идёт Окса́на?

11 Direction and location
Я́ занима́юсь (at home). Я́ занима́юсь до́ма. Где́ я́ занима́юсь? Я́ иду́ (home). Я́ иду́ домо́й. Куда́ я́ иду́? Мы́ е́дем в (Washington). Мы́ е́дем в Вашингто́н. Куда́ мы́ е́дем?

12 Tell your neighbor … Я́ живу́ (in an apartment, house, dormitory, …)
Я́ живу́ в кварти́ре. That you are going where you live Я́ иду́ в кварти́ру. Я́ занима́юсь (at home, in the library, in a café, …) Я́ занима́юсь до́ма. That you are going to the place where you study Я́ иду́ домо́й. Я́ рабо́таю (at the university, library, store, restaurant, …) Я́ рабо́таю в университе́те. That you are going to the place where you work Я́ иду́ в университе́т.

13 Verbs of (loco)motion Russian distinguishes a single trip with a single destination from other types of motion (round trips, aimless wandering, habitual motion, etc.) These are called unidirectional and multidirectional Russian distinguishes fourteen different types of locomotion By foot, by vehicle, in water, in the air, crawling, climbing, running, etc. In this unit: by foot and by vehicle Verb of motion describes locomotion distinguishes unidirectional from multidirectional Verbs that describe motion but fail to distinguish unidirectional from multidirectional are not called “verbs of motion”

14 ‘To go’ = ??? Foot Vehicle Unidirectional идти́ /id+́/ е́хать /éd+/
Multidirectional ходи́ть /xod–i+/ е́здить /ézd–i+/

15 Verb conjugation highlights
What types of verbs are ит-conjugation and what types are ёт-conjugation? Suffixes /i/ and /e/ are ит-conjugation (e.g., говори́ть, смотре́ть) All other verbs are ёт-conjugation At what junctures do mutations occur? V+V (e.g., /pisa+u/ → пишу́) Where do mutations occur in ит-conjugation and ёт-conjugation verbs? In ит-conjugation verbs, only in the я́ form (e.g., я́ люблю́, ты́ лю́бишь, …) In ёт-conjugation verbs, throughout the present (e.g., я́ пишу́, ты́ пи́шешь, …) What does д mutate to? ж (ходи́ть, я́ хожу́, ты́ хо́дишь, …) video/vision; divide/division If stress shifts in the present tense, what’s the pattern? End stress in the я́ form, one syllable back elsewhere (e.g, я́ люблю́, ты́ лю́бишь, …)

16 идти́ /id+́/ irregular infinitive
different past stem (which you don’t know yet) Foot or vehicle? Unidirectional or multidirectional? ит or ёт? Mutation? Stress? Present иду́ идёшь идёт идём идёте иду́т Past don’t know yet

17 ходи́ть /xod–i+/ Foot or vehicle? Unidirectional or multidirectional?
ит or ёт? Mutation? Stress? Present хожу́ хо́дишь хо́дит хо́дим хо́дите хо́дят Past ходи́л ходи́ла ходи́ло ходи́ли

18 е́хать /éd+/ different past/infinitive stem (you don’t need to use the past tense yet) Foot or vehicle? Unidirectional or multidirectional? ит or ёт? Mutation? Stress? Present е́ду е́дешь е́дет е́дем е́дете е́дут Past don’t use yet

19 е́здить /ézd–i+/ Foot or vehicle? Unidirectional or multidirectional?
ит or ёт? Mutation? Stress? Present е́зжу е́здишь е́здит е́здим е́здите е́здят Past е́здил е́здила е́здило е́здили

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